Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b missing dependency ? - bobmods

8 years ago

when i just downloaded this mod from the ingame portal, factorio terminated after giving me this error:

Failed to load mod "mini-machines 1.2.1"
mini-machines/data-updates.lua:16: attempt to index global 'bobmods' (a nil value)

i have lots of mods installed, but not yet any of the big modpacks like bobs.

ps: now i have to dig through my file system to find the mods folder and delete it manually to start factorio again. i consider this a factorio bug: secondly to not being able to delete mods using the ingame portal, and first of all that such problematic mods are not automatically skipped and ignored so that i can get ingame at all.

8 years ago

Hmm... that line shouldn't run unless you have a mod that adds an Assembling Machine 4.. 5dims or something similar.. I guess I should add a better way to check if bob's mods is installed to stop giving these false positives.

Sorry about the Factorio issue as well. I don't actually use the mod portal to download mods anyways though, it's more efficient to download them manually. Also leave a shortcut to the Factorio mod folder somewhere.

8 years ago

Sorry about that, but I think I fixed the issue with the latest version (v1.2.3)

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

updated and re-enabled mini-machines mod and started factorio without problems now. thanks.

my "Assembling Machine 4" (and 5) are from FactorioExtended-Machines

better way to check for an enabled mod ?
I don't mod myself (yet), but in another mod, i just saw a check:
if game.active_mods["SomeModName"] then

8 years ago

I've used something similar to that before, but it was in a different part of code (for a quick-start type of mod). I don't think the "game" variable is initialized until you actually start (or load) a new game, and in order to add entities and recipes, you have to do so in the data, data-updates, and data-final-fixes, which is initialized from the very beginning loading of the game. I think this is the only time data.raw (the thing that holds all this recipe information) is available for editing by mods.

What I did was check for one of bob's internal variables that he sets in the mod itself, which is pretty much the only way to check during the pre-initialization step, or so I would think (since that's how bob checks for his own mods' existence)

New response