Logistic Mall Assembling Machine

Adds an assembling machine with integrated requester chest and output buffer chest, which is able to craft only items usually produced in a mall. This helps to build up a botbased mall a lot earlier, without needing to research logistic network.

1 year, 7 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Cheats

b Crash

8 months ago

The game crashes with the following error message when I try to break an assembling machine (from this mod). https://imgur.com/a/dxqatIR
I don't know why this has happened, it was working fine before. Here is a mod list:


7 months ago

Thanks for the report.
Not exactly sure, what happens here. When mining the entity, something doesn't exist anymore.
It might be some interference with an other mod...

Sounds like, there need to be more safety checks, when mining the entity, to make it more stable.

New response