Logistic Mall Assembling Machine

Adds an assembling machine with integrated requester chest and output buffer chest, which is able to craft only items usually produced in a mall. This helps to build up a botbased mall a lot earlier, without needing to research logistic network.

1 year, 7 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Cheats
1 year, 7 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (1 year, 7 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
496 users


Adds an assembling machine with integrated requester chest and output buffer chest, which is able to craft only items usually produced in a mall.
This helps to build up a botbased mall a lot earlier, without needing to research logistic network.
But it also prevents to get all advantages of logistic network, because the main production of intermediates, science packs etc. has to remain botless for the time being

How it works

The mod adds a technology, which depends on Logistic Bots, Stack Inserter (because it uses Stack Inserters for Input/Output) and Assembling Machine 2 (Assembling Machine 3 with Bob's Machines).
After research, the assembling machine can be crafted and placed down like a normal Assembling Machine.
But instead of placing only an assembling machine, it also places a requester chest with input inserter and and buffer output chest with an output inserter.
When selecting a recipe, it automatically sets (reasonable*) amounts of requests to the requester chest.
It also automatically sets an output limit via a red wire to the output chest.
And lastly, the buffer chest requests a full chest of products, which basically collects all items of that type in the network.
All those settings can be adjusted manually, but beware, that they get removed, when the recipe is removed or changed.

*reasonable request amounts:
The mod tries to set the request amounts to something reasonable based on the recipe. f.e. only 1 item of previous tier of machines are requested, etc. This also activates the request from bufferchest checkbox.

Blueprinting and deconstruction

Blueprinting including manual settings is supported. But you have to make sure, to enclose all entities inside the Assembling Machine, otherwise default settings get used.
When deconstructing the machine, while items are still inside the input/output chests, those chests might get transformed into a "remainder" chest, when the items don't fit into the players inventory, or when deconstructing by robots. The remainder chest gets marked for deconstruction, but if cancelled, it acts like an active provider. No items get destroyed, unless the machine itself gets destroyed by biters or such.

Cheat prevention and Achievements

If you place down a Logistic Mall assembling machine, you might think, that you can access the requester or buffer chest with an external inserter. This doesn't work, when I tested it, but I can't say, if it works for some fancy inserter configurations.
Deconstruction also transforms the chests to an remainder chest, which is like an active provider. Those chests can theoretically be used further, but are really not that useful. Those remainder chests also have no mining result, which means, they vanish, when deconstructed.

To my knowledge, the placing of the Logistic Mall assembling machine should not deactivate the achievement "Logistic network embargo" (you have achievements for modded games, which don't influence steam achievements), because the chests, that I place have different names. But I didn't test it yet, so please, be careful, if you care for it.


Credits to https://mods.factorio.com/user/wartank and https://mods.factorio.com/user/DellAquila for looking things up in those mods:

Credits also to https://mods.factorio.com/user/KiwiHawk for the basic mod idea