Logistic Mall Assembling Machine

Adds an assembling machine with integrated requester chest and output buffer chest, which is able to craft only items usually produced in a mall. This helps to build up a botbased mall a lot earlier, without needing to research logistic network.

10 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Cheats

g thank you

3 months ago

i was playing seablock and making mall in early -mid game is pain. thank you for this mod it is great .
one think i should mention intermediate production recipes like engines , bot parts cant be adding to machine .is this diliberete or are there any settings for that

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

You are welcome!

It is intended, that you can only craft place-able objects with some minor exceptions. The general idea is, that you can't use those machines for real bulk production, because it would be insanely OP.

Engines and bots parts could be added to the exceptions, but where draw the line? Currently, there is no option and not sure, if I should implement it. In the end, bots are probably rather bulk items

3 months ago

Well there are lots of early logistic chest mods if any one wants it they can used it . thank you for your response

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