Vital Recovery

It's dangerous to go alone! Take some medkits! For being stranded on an alien world with your tools on hand you might need some touch up. This mod aims to add some healing options into the game when fish aren't around for aide.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Fluids Manufacturing
1 year, 1 month ago
Latest Version:
1.2.1 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
448 users

It's dangerous to go alone, take some healthkits!

Welcome to Vital Recovery!

So you gotten yourself in a pickle.

You are stranded on an alien world, wanting to launch that rocket of your dreams. Spread the good word of automotive beauty across the land and cover it with concrete. Yet, despite this, you have to rely on fish for healing? Forgot to pack some First-Aid? Not bandages? Well the fish seems to help, maybe they can used for more than eating...

Harnessing the powers of fish itself you figured out how to extract the juices from them to create a thick gel of sorts. It begins with a flask of science to help aid in the medical sciences brought forth with these alien fish! Soon it becomes known as a material with the name Solid Vitaliqueur, and with that the start of making something that can help out when out exploring. Either through hubris or determination you're going to get yourself hurt and going to need a little something to help take care of those wounds.


At first you find a basic process for your healing endeavors. Making Impure healthkits, these items are similar to fish in the game, just click and you will consume one to top up some health. However, this is the early impure batch, while they get the job done in a pinch in the early game they are slow and less effiecient to use, however later on the process can be refined further.

Once you have unlocked the technology required you can create Pure healthkits from the process of using fluid Vitaliqueur to produce your medical needs. These improved versions are better than even the vanilla fish, and can be used at an even faster rate!


The item produced from the mysterious fish in the game. It's weird, but the process of this matter can be used to either produce the Gel or the Liquid directly, there are pros and cons to either method either trading time for resources or vice versa. Regardless you're going to need a bit of fish for the upgraded Healthkits required, but you've discovered something odd about how the healing properties of this fluid interacts with fish...

You can now produce more fish at a cost of time, and fish...

Similar to the Koverex Enrichment process in terms of putting in a lot of effort to produce just barely a surplus. The fish replication process can help you acquire more of these little guys, but take caution! It's slow and steady and it's better to refine it into gel at first then the fluid in the early part of the process. Otherwise the fish might go extinct!

So all that health?

For something that adds healing options, you might find it a bit... wasteful for the higher tier healthkits, but fret not!
This mod also introduces a nice new (wow!) Infinite research for boosting ones health! Keep in mind, it's aint much, but it's honest work. Now those natives will have a tougher time getting you as you bulldoze your way through the land. Just be aware that the cost grows quickly!

Sounds too easy?

That's the point!
I played a few modpacks that add their own version of healthkits, medkits, healing, etc. And it just a bummer how there isn't anything that is pretty standalone. I didn't just want to break off a megamodpack version, so I came up with a silly version of my own that kind of fit well into the scope of Factorio. Besides, even if you aren't in the for the megamodpack, it can at least help you out for when you want something a bit cheaper than shields, power armor, and just something in the early game!