

I'm Littleman9Mew2 or L9M2 on most places. I'm one to enjoy a variety of games and sandbox games are no exception, especially with games that you can mod. It's always fun! Some games of note would be Factorio, Noita, Halo MCC, Terraria and Minecraft to name a few, but I have many many more games.

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Mods by Littleman9Mew2

The Flier - Spitter of the skies

Just because you have walls, cliffs, and water, it doesn't mean you are safe. Adds a new enemy that spawns on the Spitter spawner called the Flier - an enemy that which is able to soar over the terrain and the tougher enemies could even spew fire. Mod settings contains options to enable fire abilities and spawning chance tweaks.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Vital Recovery

It's dangerous to go alone! Take some medkits! For being stranded on an alien world with your tools on hand you might need some touch up. This mod aims to add some healing options into the game when fish aren't around for aide.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Fluids Manufacturing