The Flier - Spitter of the skies

Just because you have walls, cliffs, and water, it doesn't mean you are safe. Adds a new enemy that spawns on the Spitter spawner called the Flier - an enemy that which is able to soar over the terrain and the tougher enemies could even spew fire. Mod settings contains options to enable fire abilities and spawning chance tweaks.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g ERM compatibility

5 months ago


Enemy race manager adds bots to the biter faction as flying enemies.

I don't know how much work that would be, but this mod sounds about the right thing to replace them with.

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)


Enemy race manager adds bots to the biter faction as flying enemies.

I don't know how much work that would be, but this mod sounds about the right thing to replace them with.

Hey! I saw your "Sole Survivor" modpack mention the Fliers with ERM.

I'll make a note of it. (It's late here, so I'll fully check on it tomorrow.)

I have looked at possibly integrating ERM support with the Fliers at some point (and possibly actual Rampant support if possible) so this gives me more of an idea on a priority :D

EDIT: Looks like they have a Discord. So I'll hit 'em up later about integration support.

5 months ago

I just think that this mod would fill in the gap they have with flyers on the biter faction. :)

The "infested roboport" is kinda neat, but having actual flying bugs is better.

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