The Flier - Spitter of the skies

Just because you have walls, cliffs, and water, it doesn't mean you are safe. Adds a new enemy that spawns on the Spitter spawner called the Flier - an enemy that which is able to soar over the terrain and the tougher enemies could even spew fire. Mod settings contains options to enable fire abilities and spawning chance tweaks.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0


Version: 1.3.0
Date: 10. 21. 2024
  Major Features:
    - Updated to Factorio 2.0
      Tweaked Collision Mask and Pollution data to the new format, but gameplay wise unchanged.
    - Also information in the Factoropedia regarding the spawn chances. (Click on Spitter Spawner.)
  Combat Balancing:
    - Tweaked the Damage tables. Now the Fire damage shouldn't be 10k/s now and is more reasonable.
    - This also resulted in the Acid damaged also being nerfed slightly.
    - Untested Compatibility with Enemy Race Manager, use at your own risk with ERM until ERM is updated.
      Otherwise it's just like as previous version.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 06. 30. 2024
  Major Features:
    - Compatibility with Enemy Race Manager! Now the Fliers join the fray!
      They will now spawn and evolve from the ERM spitter spawners and join in. Even fighting as respective flying AI units for the Biters.
      They will also be more encouraged to fly over water more than their vanilla counterparts. 
      Spawning percentages are still the same as with vanilla.
      They will also scale up just as the rest of the ERM enemies.
      They are still resilient to fire.
      They will still fly.
    - Added Ultra Flyer Rank - A rank above Behemoths.
      Ultra's Are White, and spawn once the evolution factor is 97% or higher with a weight 0.01% chance (on top of their already weighted spawning, making them even rarer).
  Combat Balancing:
    - Changed Small Flyer Range to 12 (From 25).
      They shouldn't out range gun turrets now.
    - Small Flyers don't spawn until the Evolution Factor has reached 2%. (Though it's gradual up to 10% at the peak for spawning Small Flyers.)
    - Changed Medium Flyer Range to 18 (From 30).
      This is the max gun turret range.
    - Changed Big Flyer Range to 28 (From 38). They will outrange laser turrets.
    - Changed Behemoth Flyer Range to 44 (From 48). They will outrange laser turrets.
    - Ultra Flyer Range is 64. They will outrange laser turrets.
      Recommend mod that increases gun/laser turret range or have longer range turrets.
    - Changed fire resistance to 95%. (From 100%) So they can still be damaged by fire, but are extremely resilient to it.
    - Added Proper Icons to the Flyers inside the Map Editor.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 06. 26. 2024
    - Reworked the Flyer's sprite to better match the mod thumbnail.
    - Doesn't utilize the tinting mask system, instead uses entirely unique sprites per tier.
    - Old Black and White sprite remains in case of compatibility.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 01. 4. 2024
  Major Features:
    - Mod Options Regarding Projectile and spawning chance tweaks.
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 12. 15. 2023
  Major Features:
    - Initial release.