Added settings for both the movement bonus, as well as the power requirement, as of v2.1.9
What a brilliant idea, it should be possible to register a custom rotate keybind and rotate the exoskeletons by replacing to cursor stack by a rotated version
This would be awesome, but I have very little experience with runtime modding; I try to stick to the data-loading phase of the game.
I certainly find your engine boosters much more immersive, but i wish there was a 2x4 or 2x3 version (though finding a good graphic for that might be difficult)
There's a similar 2x4 equipment from the aircraft mod, specifically intended for use with aircraft (which I add compatibility to other aircraft mods), and has a unique graphic too.
Ideally, I would prefer to have a unique graphic for the speed booster, maybe as a 2x3 equipment at the largest, instead of a simple recolored engine unit, but art is not my strong suit either lol.