Vehicle Equipment Grids

by Kryzeth

Adds equipment grids to vehicles in a sensible manner (no more exoskeleton legs in cars or trains or boats or planes), and adds a replacement vehicle specific speed booster equipment. Compatible with SE Space Trains, Fusion Trains, Flamethrower Wagon, Aircraft, AAI Vehicles, Cargo Ships, GunEquipment, Radar Equipment (and more!)

15 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Trains

g [Fixed] HelicopterRevival compability

2 months ago

Can you fix HelicopterReviwal mod compability?
Author removed equipment_grid = "heli-equipment-grid" record from base entity, it ok base vehicle don't have grid. But now your mod update nothing.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Hmm, helicopter compatibility may not be possible for the moment. Not sure if this is how it's always worked, or if this was a recent Factorio change, but the way the mod is coded, placing the helicopter item from your inventory appears to spawn a brand new helicopter, even if it had a grid full of equipment before.

When you mine up the helicopter with a grid full of equipment, you get the helicopter item, and you can see inside its equipment grid, but when you place it back down, the grid becomes completely empty, and any equipment inside will be deleted. Unlike most other vehicles in the game, the entity and item are not explicitly linked for some reason (something to do with the way it "lifts off" from the ground, requires the creation of several different entities).

This is likely the reason the mod author removed that setting. Even HelicopterRecolored's equipment grid setting does nothing, so I can only assume this functionality is broken and impossible to fix from my end. I'll remove it from the description for now.

a month ago

Oh, looks like bad implementation from first line. Thank you for your answer. In that case, removing it from the list of compatible mods looks like the most correct solution.

26 days ago

Hi Kryzeth,
is it possible that the grid is fixed with your mod in V2.1.1 and above?
Bc my Heli has now a grid (6x4), even in Parking Mode, Flight Mode or when i mine up and places again. The Grid and the Eqipment stays.
But i had only tested with Nuclear Reactor and Energy Shield 2 yet.
Only issue was, when i fill the Grid complete with eqipment, the Fuel was gone. But that happens to me only the first time, later works fine.

And i think Compatibility for Helicopter Recolored is not implemented atm? Bc when i set the Grid size at these mod to something else as 6x4 isnt working.

So again, great work and thanks.

25 days ago
(updated 25 days ago)

Huh, that's... odd. This functionality definitely wasn't working properly when I originally tested it. Helicopter mod hasn't changed anything since their initial release, but it does seem to be retaining its equipment grid now.

Helicopter having a grid with just this mod is actually a bit of a happy accident with the latest update, since I forgot to disable the functionality after making the aircraft-related changes. The Customizer mod is actually working perfectly, since I specifically had the helicopter blacklisted there, so it wouldn't add a grid to that mod under any conditions.

I guess I'll remove it from the blacklist so it can be affected by the aircraft grid setting, thanks for bringing this up!

New response