
Turrets are built using salvaged self-learning AI tech from your ship allowing them to get deadlier with practice. Extends turrets via ranking system based on kills. Turrets generated so not limited to vanilla, identifiable by overlaid rank insignia. Rank buffs individual turrets.

1 year, 4 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Conflict with The Ruins Mod - Red Dwarf

2 years ago

Good day! I found a conflict between your mod and The Ruins Mod - Red Dwarf https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RedDwarf-AbandonedRuins

Screenshot with error https://ibb.co/TTrN0h8

Do you have the ability to fix this conflict?


I also wrote this question to the author of The Ruins Mod - Red Dwarf

2 years ago

From what I can see the hero mod does not support animated base sprites. When it adds its Icon over the turret does it need to have frame count and line length? if so these must match the animations on the turrets. The errors I'm seeing are a frame miss match.

2 years ago

In types.lua I can see that the Icons placed over the sprites are set to 1 frame, if the frame count from my turrets could be returned as the repeat count for your Icons it might fix it?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

On the github page, Hero Turrets has an update for the animations. Unfortunately I (Honktown) do not have the ability to update the mod zip at this time.

Edit: updated!

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