Provides a Heat Inserter variant for each electrically powered vanilla inserter, (including the Stack Inserter from Space Age, if detected). Connects to heat pipes on either side, allowing heat transfer between lines of Heat Inserters.
I'm honestly surprised nobody has made this mod yet, maybe because it might trivialize the heating issues on Aquilo with Space Age, but is otherwise useless in almost every other scenario.
This mod is intended for use with another mod that provides early heat pipes, as they are required for the construction of all heat inserters.
As of v1.1.0, all heat inserters will also act as heat pipes, thawing out adjacent machinery when heat is applied.
This functionality is applied via runtime script, which simply creates an invisible heat pipe when built. This hidden heat pipe is copied from the base game heat pipe during data-final-fixes, which should also copy any changes applied by other mods (though specific compatibility is untested). The invisible heat pipe is indestructible, unselectable, and otherwise non-interactible, and is removed when the related heat inserter is mined, destroyed, or otherwise removed.
As of v1.1.1, the invisible heat pipe follows the heat inserter when moved around via Even Picker Dollies.
Mod Compatibility
- Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches + Any Planet Start on Aquilo: Initial Heat Inserter tech is locked behind the Heating Tower, which is very early in the tech tree under these conditions (as it is essential for survival on Aquilo)
- Any Planet Start on Gleba: Initial Heat Inserter tech is locked behind Heating Tower, which is relatively early in the tech tree, as it is the standard planetary unlock for Gleba.
- Early Heating: Initial Heat Inserter tech is locked behind Heat Transference, an extremely early red science tech which unlocks the Heat Pipe. Intended to be used with the following mod, moving its heat generating unlock to green science, instead of blue science:
- Cheese's Concentrated Solar: Initial Heat Inserter tech is locked behind Concentrated Solar Energy, an early-midgame tech, which requires red/blue/green science, and provides solar towers and mirror arrays, which convert solar energy directly into heat.
- Heat Processing: Initial Heat Inserter tech is locked behind Heat Processing, a relatively early red/green science tech, which unlocks the heat pipe and heat exchanger, as well as some other uses for heat in the early game.
- Thermal Solar Power (Lite): Adds a very early, but weak source of heat, via solar panels and basic heat pipes (which are used in the heat inserter recipe), only requiring red science.
If none of these mods and conditions are detected, then Heat Inserter tech will default to being locked behind vanilla Nuclear Power. Multiple mod compatibility and big mod compatibility has not yet been tested.