Wooden Fulgora: Coralmium Agriculture
You've found yourself on an exciting new planet covered with the bountiful ruins of an ancient civilization... but no wood in sight! Fear not, there's a lot of plastic and everyone says they can tell the difference between real wood and plastic, but you know they're totally just making that up.
- A brand new plant native to the Fulgoran oil oceans. The seeds need to be polarized for them to grow when planted, but the coral-like plant seems to dredge plastics and stone up from deep beneath the surface.
- Synthesize Wood (or Lumber with Wooden Logistics installed) from Plastic and Holmium solution.
Wooden Cinematic Universe
Enjoy the vibe? Check out these other mods!
- Early Agriculture: Grow wood early-game on Nauvis with a worse Agricultural tower.
- Wooden Industry: Cook wood into Charcoal for smelting Steel, and Resin for plastics.
- Wooden Logistics: Make transport belts and other things out of Lumber.
- Astroponics: Grow stuff in space, recycling the bioslurry byproduct back into fertilizer.
- Vulcanus: Sulfuric Bacteria: Glue Woodchips together by cultivating bacteria native to the sulfur vents of Vulcanus.
- Wooden Military: Make ammo out of wood. It's not very good ammo. Also has a Hard Mode if you really wanna have a bad time.
- Cupric Asteroids: Asteroids made out of... copper and green stuff? Weird. (See Wooden Military's Hard Mode)
These are designed to make Wood an essential resource, whether it makes sense or not.