Shuttle Train Lite

by folk

A remake of the classic Shuttle Train by Simwir.

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

i Shuttle waiting station

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I looked for this, but can't find this anywhere. Is there an option to set the "waiting station" for shuttle-enabled trains?

I mean, an optional setting the station name somewhere (in mod interface, in mod settings window or something like this) and togglable option "send shuttle train to the closest waiting station when all players left the train", so shuttle trains will follow this logic:

  1. Call the train to the station. Shuttle train arrives as usual
  2. Enter the train and set the target station. Shuttle train will go to the target station as usual.
  3. At arrival, shuttle train will switch to manual mode (like now, I believe. May be this option also should be togglable, but I'm unsure).
    3.a That option is disabled and/or waiting station is not set: nothing happens, train stay at destination station.
    3.b That option is enabled and waiting station is set: train will stay at this station while at least one player is in train. When last player left that train, shuttle train would go to the defined waiting station (nearest one if more that one station has the same name)

I'm not sure that this should be default behaviour, but possibility to set this (at least globally for all shuttle trains) will save a lot of time for people who haven't separated shuttle stations and should always send that shuttle train back to waiting station to prevent station blocking by shuttle train.

6 years ago

I've been trying to make this happen. I don't particularly like the train going into manual mode when it reaches the destination, because it doesn't work with my existing train parking yard (stations are enabled on the train ID signal of the one next to them, which is 0 if the train is in manual mode). So I set up a new parking yard for shuttles, and discovered that if I name all of the stops the same, and try to send more than one shuttle to the waiting yard, nothing happens because there is already a train at that stop.

So having a waiting station option would be A+. It would keep unused shuttles off the network as much as possible without me having to manually send them to a vacant parking stop.

6 years ago

Do we have an ETA on this? Is it even going to be developed?

New response