Shuttle Train Lite

by folk

A remake of the classic Shuttle Train by Simwir.

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

b 1.9.0 Multiplayer: second player to join gets desync

7 years ago

with this mod enabled the second player to join a multiplayer game gets desyned.

7 years ago

its 0.1.9 version sorry

7 years ago

Yes, more people have reported the same problem. Unfortunately, I'm very busy until monday, so it's hard for me to do anything about it until then.

7 years ago

dont worry i can wait :) - just wanted to let you know.

6 years ago

Same here

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

So I tried to fix the desync issue last night, but a bug in 0.15.9 is preventing me from testing multiplayer properly.
Rseding does not have access to a linux machine, so he is unable to reproduce the problem, but he believes it has been fixed for 0.15.10.

I believe I have fixed the desync issue, but until I can test multiplayer, I can't know for sure.
Hopefully 0.15.10 will be out soon, then I can test and release a fixed version.

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