Fluid Filtering

Adds ability to set filter for pumps, works the same as filter for inserters. Can be set from circuit network as well. Adds ability to set filter for fluid wagons.

27 days ago
Logistics Trains Fluids Circuit network

b [Fixed] If enabled, there are no multiple signal groups

a month ago

When specifying the enable condition, it is not possible to specify liquid signals or logical signals (for example letters)

a month ago

This is working for me on 1.0.7

Are you sure you have latest version? If so, could you upload your save (possibly a fresh one with your mods enabled) somewhere?

a month ago

I checked the list of mods - your mod conflicts with "Attach Notes" (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/attach-notes). I think we need to add it to the conflict list (there is no point in looking for a solution)

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I fixed signals in 1.0.8, however, Attach Notes still doesn't work with pumps and wagons because of the way entity windows are handled. Basically any entity that has its window replaced by a moded one doesn't work with Attach Notes

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