Factory Efficiency Tracker

by RedRafe

Track and visualize uptime/downtime ratio of assembling machines in real time with colorized overlays.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
1 year, 4 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.4 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
8.82K users

Factory Efficiency Tracker

The uptime tracking and visualization mod for Factorio allows players to monitor the uptime and downtime ratios of their assembling machines. This real-time tracking is accomplished through the use of colorful overlays which provide a clear visual representation of the stats for each machine. With this tool, engineers can easily identify and address any issues with their manufacturing process, resulting in improved productivity and efficiency.

Main features

Factory Efficiency Tracker (FET) tells you what you didn't know. Rate tools (Rate Calculator, Max Rate Calculator) and bottleneck tools (Bottleneck Lite, Bottleneck, Assembly Analyst) are great tools to help you design better factories and I love to use them too.

But sometimes, the expected behavior can be far from reality and the design doesn't work as it's supposed to do. FET keeps track of each assembler & every furnace in your factory, from when it gets build 'till its last breath, and reports what's the actual work output of your machine, in terms of efficiency and uptime ratio over its lifetime (not only the present), as a percent of the expected value. Here are some examples:

Gears, belts & inserter assemblers working <50% of the time

Science assemblers & Blue chips not working 100% of the time actually

GCs assemblers on 70% of their max working capacity, furnace & pipes output limited

Chem plants, furnaces and GCs starved on input resources

Disclaimer: the above pictures are just meant to show the mod's functionality, as a preview of the expected behavior

Additional info

  • The efficiency trackers can be toggled ON / OFF by simply pressing the shortcut icon on your shortcut bar.
  • To reset all the production stats, use the command /fet-reset (achievement-friendly). It will reset all the machines' stats as if they were just built
  • not retroactive - due to API limitations, it's impossible to retrieve the built time of the machines. It's completely safe to add this mod mid-save, but it will only keep track of the production stats from its initialization moving forward
  • Performance: should be quite optimized. The UPS drain goes from 0.005 of a small save to 1.0-1.2 at gigabase size (source: AntiElitz's 100% save after completion). Obviously the higher the # of entities, the higher the # of stats drawn at runtime.
  • When turned OFF, no stats are computed. When turned ON, the updates are distributed over multiple ticks to keep it as efficient as possible.

Known bugs & compatibility

As a QoL mod, this should be compatible with any other mods. Please feel free to report any issue on the mod portal page, on GitHub, or over on my Discord.


  • Does this mod replace calculator tools or bottleneck tools?

    No, each mod has its own functionality & scope and will tell you different information about your factory.

  • Is it compatible with the other tools?


  • It doesn't show the values on top of the machines

    Check you've toggled the "clock" icon (Efficiency Tracker). If it doesn't show, please report the issue

  • It shows <100 even if it's running full speed

    FET keeps track of the machine's activity from the moment it was built for its lifetime. The more time passes, the more the shown value will come close to the actual uptime ratio of the target machine. (i.e. if the machine starts crating after 5minute sit got build, the value will be low, but over a 10h period, those 5mins become really insignificant and the value will be closer to 100%)