Extended Vanilla: Modular Logistics & Robotics

This mod introduces a fully customizable system of logistic items (belts, roboports, etc.) that you can adapt to your playstyle, world progression and modpack. You can change radious of the bot-related structures and recipes ingredients, amounts, results and stats of the belts. Unlock new and better logistics solutions as you explore Space Age, and adapt them to your needs.

4 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Logistic network


Version: 2.1.3
Date: 2024.11.10
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] How lovely are item sounds?
    - I'm currently aware of this bug that's affecting multiple mods at the same time, and trying to work on a solution.
    - Since the Factorio steam version updates later than normal, I'll have to ask you to give me some feedback about this problem.
      (In other words, I can't replicate the bug by myself. I hope this update is enough to fix it.)
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 2024.11.05
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] I guess the fastest bugfix I've done so far.
    - [item=logistic-booster-1] Logistic boosters can now be disabled without crash errors.
      (Thanks to Juicifer from the discord server for the report.)
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 2024.11.05
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] Simple update to add an important setting: underground distance for hyper underground belts.
    - [item=hyper-underground-belt] Now you can decide the maximum underground distance via startup settings.
    - [item=hyper-underground-belt] Also the base hyper underground belt value was increased: 5>>13.
      (Two additional steps from the 11 turbo ones.)
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 2024.11.03
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=logistic-booster-1] Some fulgorian experience made me think something like this would be really useful to add to the game.
      So say hello to logistic boosters: small 2x2 power poles/roboports that charge multiple bots simultaneously and have more logistic area.
    - [item=quantum-processor] Also some bug fixing is always needed.
      (Tier 2 logistc bots and belts coming soon.)
  Major features:
    - [item=logistic-booster-1] Added a brand new logistic booster to the game. (Unlockable on Fulgora.)
      - Has a 0 slot robot capacity, but you can change this parameter to make it function like a real roboport;
      - Has a logistic & construction area of 64x64 (2 chunks in diameter) / 96x96 (3 chunks in diameter);
        (You can change this parameter via settings)
      - Can recharge up to 12 bots at the same time;
      - Has a radar area of 2 chunks;
      - Is 2x2 tiles wide;
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] Fixed a bug that won't let you decide the belt output amount.
      (Thanks to Fisher28's report on the modpage.)
      (Additional tiers are incoming.)
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2024.10.24
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] You can disable the belts added by this mod.
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] You can set the max tier of extended vanilla logistics you can unlock in the game.
      (Guess they're too op for you in a BROKEN Dlc as it is space age.)
    - [item=hyper-underground-belt] You can set the speed of the belts, underground belts and splitters.
    - [item=holmium-plate] You can decide EACH of the four ITEMS needed to craft the Hyper Belt.
      (And their amount. Yeah every item found in the game works fine, even from other mods.)
      (A fluid is always required in the 4th slot.)
    - [item=hyper-splitter] You can decide the output amount of the hyper belt recipe.
      (Do you want to craft 100 belts from a single recipe and definitively break everything? Or make it more balanced? Well you CAN.)
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] Added a brand new tier of logistscs: the hyper tier.
      (Two more are about to be released: one after you research Aquilo's science pack, and another one after Prometium.)
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=hyper-transport-belt] Yeah, guess who's back - back again - in the logistics sector?
    - [item=hyper-underground-belt] I'm experimenting with some coding schemes to make everything modular and configurable, that's why there's
      only a tier of transport belt for now, but I'm already thinking of adding two extra more tiers.
    - [item=hyper-splitter] The mod is fully customizable: if you don't like something, YOU CAN CHANGE THAT.
      (And you don't need to modify the mod internally to do that. Mod settings are ENOUGH trust me.)