Hello, it's me again. Can you add 2 more inputs/outputs for connecting pipes, now the tank has only 2 inputs/outputs for liquid, which may not always be convenient. Sometimes it is necessary to connect the tank to the pipeline and continue the pipe in the same direction from which it came. I do not know how to express my thought more precisely, since, unfortunately, there is no way to post pictures here, and I do not know if it is allowed to post links to pictures here. The inputs/outputs of the tank have the shape of ┘ (corner), if you change it to Ʇ, you will implement what I would like to ask you about. I do not insist if this breaks your idea, but it will add convenience to your mod in some situations. Also, if you decide to fulfill my request, I do not require its immediate implementation ... I understand perfectly well that there is not always time for everything. Thank you!