Enemy Race Manager

by heyqule

Add support to have multiple races of enemies and add various RTS elements. Enemy become tougher as you kill them. Added aerial enemies. Support free for all or 1vN. Search "ERM -" mods to download the new enemies.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies Environment

g How to hit Zerglings with K2?

2 years ago

I get attacked by two zerglings, wich have crazy damage output on lowest level, one I hit a few times, the other I hit maybe once every 30 shots. Anyone know why this is?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

same with autoaim, one of the zerglings just does not die.

2 years ago

It could be this known issue. When you hover those lings, what are their level?

High level units occasionally escape the async level processing matrix.
- Some players treat them as early bosses.
- If you can't defeat them, please use the nuke biter button in ERM UI to kill it.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

What known issue? Can you describe what is happening exactly, or link to it?
Interesting, one ling is level 19. so apparently I do hit him, and when I see the health bar reduction that is just the "below 100%".
Max level was set to 10.
Since you are suggesting workarounds, I guess there is no fix in sight? Using a clear-button defeats the purpose of a defense oriented game for me.
A level 19 ling at 22 Minutes is not a boss, its just indefenseable. I survive 20 seconds when running away shooting, without reducing him below 85%. And he tears down everything I built while I am respawning.

Broken is an overused term, but this really is not playble unfortunately :-(

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Unfortunately the current workaround breaks the immersion.

"Can you describe what is happening exactly?"

Yes. During the game's loading screen, all enemy spawners assign an autoplace algorithm on how they spawns. The autoplace algorithm is not changeable once the game is loaded afaik. It's fine with default biter and enemy which based off base game's evolution factor.

This mod handles the evolution differently. Enemy levels up based in another internal number. When a spawner spawns during map charting, autoplace algorimth will place any available spawners. This includes higher level one.

An event listener changes those high level spawners into the one with appropiate level. The event listener push a change request to a queue that runs every half second. This is designed to preserve performance.

This method introduces this side-effect. There is a chance that high level spawner spawns a high level unit, and the unit walk off to another map chunk which isn't in the queue. This ends up with a race condition that high level unit can escape the level balancer.

There is another way that this issue happens. When a spawner spawned at the edge of a map chunk, its units may spawned into another map chunk.
The units also escape the level balancer.

There were previous attempts to fix this issue. But they introduced unbearable lag spikes when the base become larger.

This workaround stays until I find a performant way to fix it.

2 years ago

I re-added the high level unit elimination function in 1.15.5. But it only applies to early game (first 12hrs of the game). On top of that, I added another protection to prevent autoplace algo to place unit spawner with higher level than your max_level. If the unit does escape the matrix after 12hrs, you should only see lvl10 unit in your case. It should be manageable once you have your defense up with weapon upgrades.

2 years ago

Thanks a lot, this makes sense to me.
Now that I now, maybe I can find some hack with another mod that makes it work.
Maybe something that makes only first level available.

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