Early Spidertron

by Soggs

Makes the spidertron available once you have access to construction robots.

8 months ago
Transportation Combat Armor

g Error with K2SE but the older SE specific version of mod works.

1 year, 27 days ago

Getting an error with Space Exploration (K2SE actually) now. Your older Early Spidertron for Space Exploration loads fine though.

table.insert(data.raw["equipment-grid"][v.equipment_grid].equipment_categories, "spidervehicles")
is throwing a message:
... attempt to index field "?" (a nil value)

Any ideas?

1 year, 26 days ago

Issue seems to be specific to having Space Spidertrons enabled in a SE game.

1 year, 26 days ago

Can you give me a specific mod list or mod that causes that?

Probably have to guard something with a nil check, just need to figure out what and why.

Be warned that it may take me a few days to get around to it.

1 year, 12 days ago

Seems like just SE (Space Exploration) is enough. Are you expecting that it would work with SE or that for SE we should use the other version that specifically names Space Exploration?

1 year, 11 days ago

I expect it to work with SE and it does for me. Since I cannot reproduce the error I need a full mod list of what you have installed.

1 year, 11 days ago

Btw I also went an tested it with K2SE and got no errors. You must have installed another mod that messes with Spidertrons. So I do really need that full mod list.

1 year, 9 days ago

Ok.. thought I'd tried a narrowed down version on this but by removing everything vehicle related it now loads. I'll do more elimination work here tonight.

This is the full list that works with the SE version of early spider but not the plain labeled early spider.
Full list:
"name": "base",
"name": "aai-containers",
"name": "aai-industry",
"name": "aai-signal-transmission",
"name": "aai-signals",
"name": "aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler",
"name": "aai-vehicles-ironclad",
"name": "AdvancedArtilleryRemotesContinued",
"name": "AfraidOfTheDark",
"name": "Aircraft",
"name": "alien-biomes",
"name": "AutoDeconstruct",
"name": "AutoTrash",
"name": "beatrix",
"name": "beautiful_bridge_railway",
"name": "blueprint-sandboxes",
"name": "CleanedConcrete",
"name": "combat-mechanics-overhaul",
"name": "Constructron-Continued",
"name": "cybersyn",
"name": "cybersyn-combinator",
"name": "equipment-gantry",
"name": "even-distribution",
"name": "factoryplanner",
"name": "FactorySearch",
"name": "flib",
"name": "GhostOnWater",
"name": "Infinizoom",
"name": "informatron",
"name": "InserterFuelLeech",
"name": "Inventory Sensor",
"name": "jetpack",
"name": "Krastorio2",
"name": "Krastorio2Assets",
"name": "logistics_requests_sorted",
"name": "manual-inventory-sort",
"name": "manual-trains-at-temp-stops",
"name": "Milestones",
"name": "miniloader",
"name": "mining-patch-planner",
"name": "ModuleInserterEx",
"name": "ModuleInserterSimplified",
"name": "nice-try-train",
"name": "OreEraserContinued",
"name": "PickerDollies",
"name": "power-grid-comb",
"name": "production-monitor",
"name": "pump",
"name": "RecipeBook",
"name": "resourcehighlighter-dark",
"name": "Robot256Lib",
"name": "robot_attrition",
"name": "rocket-log",
"name": "safefill",
"name": "SantasNixieTubeDisplay",
"name": "se-earlier-spidertron",
"name": "se-space-trains",
"name": "SE_smooth_ship_walls",
"name": "shield-projector",
"name": "simhelper",
"name": "solar-calc",
"name": "space-exploration",
"name": "space-exploration-graphics",
"name": "space-exploration-graphics-2",
"name": "space-exploration-graphics-3",
"name": "space-exploration-graphics-4",
"name": "space-exploration-graphics-5",
"name": "space-exploration-menu-simulations",
"name": "space-exploration-postprocess",
"name": "space-spidertron",
"name": "spidertron-dock",
"name": "spidertron-extended",
"name": "Squeak Through",
"name": "stdlib",
"name": "TA-Miners-SE-Patch",
"name": "textplates",
"name": "Todo-List",
"name": "VehicleSnap",
"name": "VehicleWagon2",
"name": "WipMod_TA-miners",

1 year, 9 days ago

Ok the offending mod is:
"name": "space-spidertron",
"name": "spidertron-dock", <- this one comes along with space-spidertron

This one is key for using spiders in space! I was hoping it was something skippable :(

1 year, 9 days ago

Now this is interesting...

Base + SE+K2+Space Spidertron+Early Spidertron = FAIL.
Base + SE+Space Spidertron+Early Spidertron = NOT fail.

So its a combination of K2 + Early Spidertron + Space Spidertron. Maybe something special about the K2 recipe for space spidertrons? Or your recipe for early space spidertrons that conflicts with K2?

1 year, 9 days ago

This is caused by Early Spidertron. You're trying to access the "kr-spidertron-equipment-grid" before it exists. K2 only creates it during data-updates, and you're accessing it from data already` :)

1 year, 8 days ago

If you want to fix this yourself temporarily you can unzip the mod, and rename the file data.lua to data-updates.lua. That should fix this bug. You might run into this bug too then, which should also be easy to fix by renaming the incorrect item name.

1 year, 7 days ago

This is caused by Early Spidertron. You're trying to access the "kr-spidertron-equipment-grid" before it exists. K2 only creates it during data-updates, and you're accessing it from data already` :)

I could complain that something like should probably be created during data but oh well. I moved my group injection to data-final-fixes.lua that seems to solve the issue in my test.

I am still confused that I do not run into any issues, when not using your mod with the old load order.

Anyway fixed in 1.3.1

1 year, 7 days ago

I could complain that something like should probably be created during data but oh well.

Yeah, I agree, it should be created in data, not updates. The maintainer of K2 did a massive refactor of the datastage recently, so it probably accidentally changed the order as well.


1 year, 7 days ago

The K2 datastage refactor is ongoing and not released yet afaik :)

New response