
by Kubius

Ore patches now spill over into the sea as submerged variants. Dredge them up with new floating hardware, and build deeper into the blue with water-placeable refined concrete.

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Environment Mining

g To slow and laborious

1 year, 3 months ago

Only slow belt, no slpliter, no water pipes.

So why not ships for mining? It could be a very nice think with the mod "cargo ship": https://mods.factorio.com/mod/cargo-ships
An before landfill kills not ore - I understand that you want change this but please let the player the option on the mod config. So for mixed field (land and water) for me i want the option with landfill to collect the ore.

But thx for the mod. The idear is good but for now what i write as title - to slow and laborious.

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

I changed belt from 15 to 30 - so its more usefull

in the file recipe:
type = "recipe",
name = "floating-belt",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 0.5,
ingredients = {
{"flotation-platform", 1},
{"fast-transport-belt", 2}
result = "floating-belt",
result_count = 2

And in the file: floadtgear
local floating_belt = table.deepcopy(data.raw["transport-belt"]["fast-transport-belt"])

so you need red belts and get 30/s waterbelt

What i want for the waterdrills, that i can build it on land too - so people can use it in coastal areas.
And that landfill tond destroy the water ores too.

Can you help me? what must i change - have tryed with delete something to try that the generatet water ore not convert to "deep" becouse the other mod spawn normal ore, not your deep/underground ore - it doesnt worked.

1 year, 3 months ago

Surface boats and underwater pipes are already offered by other mods, and I don't see a particular reason to reimplement them; with regards to belts, water-surface belts are deliberately limited because of the fact they have to rest on the water surface (hardware for faster-moving belts would be heavier and have a hard time staying afloat).

The floating drill platforms being able to also be built on land isn't possible for technical reasons; as water has collision with the player, anything placed on the water must not have the player collision mask, so it would be unable to collide with players when placed on land.

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

boats yes but no digging boats

So if there a way that people deinstall Dredgeworks that the normal water ore are generated in new chunks?
If i made a new map it will generatin water ores perfect but f i use a map with Dredgeworks an deinstall it no ore will be spaning in new chinks - so i have found it have anything in the scprit file from a savegame to do. Maybe it needs a information if Dredgeworks not found than "water ore" mod should be work at normal mode or what ever.

1 year, 2 months ago

Mid-save deactivation of Dredgeworks isn't something I have any idea how to support at this time, nor any idea if that's even possible; you might try the Regenerate Terrain mod after Dredgeworks is removed.

On the topic of a dedicated dredge boat, the concept definitely does appeal to an extent, but it's beyond my current animation prowess, and if I get around to something more complex it'll probably be dedicated graphics for the seafloor drill before I extend scope to any new features.

1 year, 2 months ago

I think the bulk freighter from the Cargo Mod Ship is already suitable by design, it would just need some kind of crane or shovel. And since it runs on water rails, a larger range. I don't know how exactly it could be technically implemented. I imagine it like this, the ore field is scanned and after X seconds something is taken from the ore and is "cheated" in the storage room. Maybe you could just say the ship opens a hatch at the bottom and drills underwater from there, then there's no need for a great annimation.

To uninstall the "Dredgeworks" another idea. The mod renames the vanila ore in the water to "deepore" or something like that. Could not you rename back to the vanila name of the Ore arrange by script before deinstalltion. then the underwater Ore would remain and not despawnen. Maybe the player could write it via trigger command in the console or swap a file before uninstalling to trigger that. Because the mod "water ore" takes only the collision away from the water, that is otherwise vanila ore before the first rename in "deep...".

Sorry for my bad english. This makes the text longer and more complicated than it could be.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

1 year, 2 months ago

I have no intention of using assets from anywhere but myself and the core game for this project.

With regards to the idea of an ore de-immersion script, I may look into creating one at some point, but I don't have an ETA on implementation.

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

One last question, why the mod renamed the water ore? Why the Mod dont use the ore like "water ore" let it spawned?

Ok, thank you for the time.

1 year, 2 months ago

The "renamed" ores aren't just renamed; they're distinct versions of ore that are submerged, meaning they have some translucency and darkening to make them visually appear submerged, and the behavior of being paved over by landfill. This visual and mechanical distinction, to make ores behave more like they're actually underwater, is why Dredgeworks exists, and is the reason you'd use it over Water Ores.

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