Wanna dredge something up on Aquilo? Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches for Space Age now available!
World Generation
Ores automatically receive submerged variants generated by the mod; vanilla ores are verified to work, and most other ores should function as well. Patches will generate in their regular positions, but after generation, the portion of the patch which is underwater will be converted to use this submerged variant.
Submerged ores cannot be brought to the surface by landfilling or other surface raising (paving over them in this way will remove them); land-based mining drills can use the edge of their mining area to tap into submerged ores, but it's much more effective to use seafloor drills.
Fluid resources will generate as their regular variant on the surface of the water, and floating crude oil can combine nicely with adjusted refined concrete to make impromptu "oil rigs". Cargo Ships will generate offshore oil as usual if it's installed.
New Hardware
Wire Buoy
A floating counterpart to electric poles, the Wire Buoy closely resembles a medium electric pole, but is slightly costlier and takes up a 2x2 space, with a proportionally larger area (10x10 coverage). Can't be placed on land.
Floating Inserters
When combined with a new crafting item called the flotation platform, every variety of inserter can be changed into a variant you can place on water. The mod automatically scans for inserters and attempts to generate their floating variant; non-vanilla inserters work in the vast majority of cases, but not all (see compatibility note at end).
Belts and Mining
Flotation platforms can also be used to create floating belts, useful for carrying ore away from seafloor drills. Belts are automatically generated from their baseline variants akin to inserters; faster belts have a significantly higher cost in flotation platforms, automatically scaled from their throughput.
Seafloor drills are upgraded from regular electric mining drills with the addition of an extended steel "rig"; they're identical in range and mining rate, but have one additional module slot. From 0.8.1 onward, they can also optionally use Space Age's belt transport capacity feature (like big mining drills do), though this is not enabled by default as it's a substantial difference in balance.
To keep your aquatic operations well-lit, the light buoy is also available, crafted with a lamp and some pipe. Like its terra firma counterpart, circuit integration is supported.
Refined Concrete Fill
Refined concrete is now a more flexible landfill counterpart, and can be placed on/removed from water tiles and certain Space Age tiles. It can't be removed when other entities on the tile would collide with the water it leaves behind, and other tile types (stone brick, concrete) can't replace it while it's on a tile they themselves couldn't pave.
To compensate for the substantially lower material cost versus landfill, refined concrete requires the use of multiple pieces to be placed as a tile; the default is three pieces of refined concrete per tile placed, though this can be adjusted in config (a value of 0 ceases to affect the placement cost at all). This applies to 0.8.0 onward; the original approach (reduced yield per recipe) was stopped in 0.4.2 to avoid disrupting recipes which use refined concrete.
Additional supplementary features which may be toggled in config (0.8.0+): Refined concrete automatically substitutes itself for landfill for blueprint adaptation in appropriate circumstances, and may optionally be used as a fill for the shallower portion of Fulgora's oceans (now disabled by default, as it disrupts the planet's intended expandability sequencing).
What It's Not
Water vehicles and long-distance logistics aren't within Dredgeworks' scope; see Dredgepack for my recommendations on accompanying mods. If there's something besides those that you think would be a good fit here, feel free to chime in.
Compatibility Note
While inserter and belt flotation works with the vast majority of mods, a select few may encounter issues (usually due to mismatched item and deployable names). Renai Transportation is one known mod with this issue.
If you run into such issues, you can disable flotation of non-vanilla belts or inserters using the appropriate Dredgeworks config setting, and then activate the incompatible mod; if there is still an error after this or you're a mod developer looking to resolve the incompatibility, let me know in the discussion section.