
by Kubius

Ore patches now spill over into the sea as submerged variants. Dredge them up with new floating hardware, and build deeper into the blue with water-placeable refined concrete.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Environment Mining


Version: 0.8.0

    - Minimum game version bumped to 2.0.34, as a bugfix therein is needed for the feature below.
    - Refined concrete now once again has an increased cost, in a different way than the pre-2.0 behavior removed in mod version 0.4.2.
    - Instead of lower recipe yield (as that would disrupt recipes requiring the item), placing it as a tile now costs multiple refined concrete items.
    - The default cost to place refined concrete is three pieces (roughly similar to the pre-2.0 balance of reducing recipe yield by 60%) - value is configurable.
    - Pasting blueprints over "sea" tiles refined concrete can be built on will now default to using refined concrete instead of landfill. This can be disabled.
    - Fulgoran shallow oil ocean is no longer eligible for refined concrete placement by default, for balance purposes; this has been moved to a config option.
    - Removed fishing-related adjustments, as they are no longer pertinent in 2.0.
Version: 0.7.6

    - Updated the submerged ore description in base locale to better describe its covering behavior. This is not a functionality change.
Version: 0.7.5

    - Buffed wire buoy capabilities to make them more practical for complex aquatic setups, and more worth the material and space investment.
    - Baseline supply radius has increased from 4 to 5 (8x8 area > 10x10), and baseline wire reach has increased from 10 to 13.
Version: 0.7.4

    - Resources' name strings can now be added to a global "do_not_submerge" table to prevent submerged variants from being autogenerated.
Version: 0.7.3

    - Switch detection mechanism added in last update to a better one that doesn't break things.
Version: 0.7.2

    - Updated "unusual deposits on water" setting to not generate non-basic-solid submerged resource variants when inactive (the default). Restores Maraxsis compatibility.
Version: 0.7.1

    - Floating variants of belts are now procedurally generated from base variants. Higher throughput increases the flotation platform cost significantly.
    - Limitation of floating belt and inserter generation in settings now restricts generation to base-game variants instead of removing it entirely.
Version: 0.7.0

    - Split graphics off to a distinct package for better mod structure. No functionality changes in this version.
Version: 0.6.4

    - Fixed an error (probably introduced in 2.0 update) where the floating belt recipe cost more belts than intended.
Version: 0.6.3

    - Space Age: Gleba blue marsh / deep water now allows resource generation and permits refined concrete placement.
Version: 0.6.2

    - Updated Cargo Ships compatibility component.
Version: 0.6.1

    - Updated sprites to no longer use hr_version, in line with the new sprite standard.
Version: 0.6.0

    - Seafloor drill now utilizes an earlier version of the electric mining drill from 0.18 (adapted from semi-classic-mining-drill) for distinct visuals.
    - Seafloor drill now costs steel and iron sticks instead of flotation platforms (more befitting its new appearance as an elevated rig).
    - In accordance with the new steel cost, seafloor drill research now requires steel processing as a prerequisite.
    - Seafloor drill now has four module slots.
    - New art for seafloor drill technology (still somewhat placeholder, but less obnoxiously so).
    - Added description text to the alternate flotation platform recipe that utilizes wood.
Version: 0.5.3

    - Added a supplementary ore submersion procedure for Resource Spawner Overhaul.
Version: 0.5.2

    - Further improved valid placement target detection for refined concrete; it's now inhibited by a tile having object layer collision.
Version: 0.5.1

    - Fixed an oversight where out-of-map tiles were detected as valid placement targets for refined concrete.
Version: 0.5.0

    - Added a special collision layer procedure for Cargo Ships compatibility, allowing correct generation of its offshore oil.
    - Water Ores is now incompatible as a consequence of the above (Dredgeworks now always handles this internally).
Version: 0.4.3

    - Reworked refined concrete placement logic more extensively to behave well with Space Age (and other expansions to available tiles).
Version: 0.4.2

    - Fixed non-concrete tile placement, again. Hopefully sticks this time.
    - No longer modify refined concrete yield by default as it's now a component of elevated rails. Yield can still be reduced for challenge, if desired.
Version: 0.4.1

    - Fixes a problem with non-concrete tile placement due to collision changes in 2.0.
Version: 0.4.0

    - Updated code for 2.0 compatibility. Has been tested briefly in core game; should not break with Space Age, but may interact oddly with it.
    - Water Ores is now an optional dependency, with Dredgeworks removing the ore elimination layer itself if Water Ores isn't present (optionality remains for mod compatibility).
Version: 0.3.1

    - Fixed a lack of next_upgrade adjustment on the light buoy, causing incompatibility with a few mods which alter this on lamps.
Version: 0.3.0

    - Added the light buoy, crafted with a lamp and some pipes. It's a lamp, but floating.
    - Updated ore submersion to submerge ore when water collision mask is detected, not when ground mask isn't (fixes weird interaction with Space Exploration).
Version: 0.2.6

    - Inserters with a width 1 ("empty") hand base picture will no longer be indexed for floating inserter generation; allows compatibility with Arrow Inserter
Version: 0.2.5

    - Inserters set not to draw their held item will no longer be indexed for floating inserter generation, notably allowing compatibility with miniloaders
Version: 0.2.4

    - Inserters without a "minable" value set will no longer be indexed for floating inserter generation (attempt to cover some edge cases; if an inserter isn't floatable and it should be, chime in)
    - Moved inserter flotation to a distinct file for better readability
Version: 0.2.3

    - Significantly altered floating inserter generation with special support for Bob's inserter overhaul; if issues persist, please continue to report
    - Reduced flotation platform crafting time to 0.8 seconds and 0.5 seconds for plastic and wood recipes respectively (the former remains faster per platform)
    - Reduced seafloor drill crafting time from 4 seconds to 1
Version: 0.2.2

    - Floating inserters now skip assigning a fast replaceable group if the original inserter lacks one. Mod compatibility fix (update unnecessary if you're not affected)
Version: 0.2.1

    - Fixed an oversight where non-basic, non-fluid ores (such as Krastorio 2's imersite) would attempt generation of a deep variant, causing a crash.
    - Non-basic, non-fluid ores can now be allowed to generate in water with a config option (and will appear on the water surface) but are disabled by default.
Version: 0.2.0

    - Overhauled ore submersion to use procedural techniques; non-vanilla ores should now be submergeable, though visual parity isn't guaranteed
    - Adjusted technology progression; Wire Buoys are now available in a similar manner to electric distribution 1, and Aquatic Logistics only needs logistic science
    - Flotation platforms are now a bit more expensive, requiring 1 iron stick and 1 iron plate per platform (instead of per recipe)
    - Added a wood-based flotation platform recipe for early game or greenhouse mods. Slower per platform, each platform consumes 2 wood instead of 0.5 plastic
Version: 0.1.1

    - Fixed interaction when both Alien Biomes and Cargo Ships are installed, by allowing ocean spawn of all fluid-yielding resources.
    - Updated art for the Aquatic Logistics technology
    - Reduced seafloor drill flotation platform cost from 12 to 4
Version: 0.1.0

    - Initial release