
by Kubius

Ore patches now spill over into the sea as submerged variants. Dredge them up with new floating hardware, and build deeper into the blue with water-placeable, removable refined concrete.

8 months ago
Logistics Environment Mining

b [Fixed] Arrow Inserter incompatibility

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

The mod arrow-inserter (long-yellow-arrow and other entities) does not have recipes/item for each entity, the entities will be swapped by carousel.
You should simply ignore items that do not exist.
best regards

9 months ago

"Do not exist" is more complicated than it seems; correlating an item to its respective placed entity (or vice versa, as Dredgeworks does) isn't something that has a standardized framework. I'll look into improving exception behavior for inserter generation to allow compatibility with this mod.

9 months ago

Should work as of 0.2.6. Let me know if it hasn't addressed the issue.

9 months ago

works for me for now, thx
I will look at it again later when I am ready in the game

New response