DotA deprecated

by OwnlyMe

Defense of the Ancients Scenario (PvP)

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Items GUI

5 years ago

Can I get that GUI like a separated mod/lib?

5 years ago

Can I get that GUI like a separated mod/lib?
Ну так посмотри как оно сделано и приспособь под себя - делов-то

5 years ago

Ну так посмотри как оно сделано и приспособь под себя - делов-то

Если только через >40 дней. Меня поразила рассеяность, другие языки программирования и т.п.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

most of the items require each player to have a seperate force,
it will most likely be incompatible with a looooott of mods
[RPG Mod download link removed - no multiplayer support right now. DONT SAVE YOUR GAME IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT INSTALLED]

please send me any new items you create
and please don't upload it on the mod portal.

note that it changes your force and color.. you can change your color back by entering /color 20 255 255 100
any created forces will not be removed on uninstallation.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

edit: found some big issues with multiplayer support.. DO NOT use the mod yet if you already downloaded it.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It was a lot of work to make it work so well that you could use it in freeplay multiplayer, so i'd be happy about any donations.
[RPG-Mod Download Link removed (again), sorry - please wait for the actual release]

But i still don't know if i will upload this on the mod portal, as the whole thing with the seperate player-forces is so intrusive that it will cause issues with some mods.
(With the dota scenario, everything is fine and it's safe to use)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Some mod developers also create mods/scripts related with RPG etc. (They do not always show everyone the mods/scripts)

/\ made by L0771

/\ made by kij336 (and I will update the mod. Already have results)

/\ made by aspd199

/\ made by MFerrari

I will invite several mod developers, because they may be interested in the discussion. (L0771, MFerrari, aspd199, kij336, Aidan647, Mylon)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

wube needs to add those force modifiers to players...
support the thread pls

5 years ago

I thought this was a multiplayer only mod, just like Dota is. And you have 2 bases in opposite corners and probably didn't build a "human" base building AI for this mod. How would you even play this in singleplayer then?

There are other RPG mods. Do they all create 2500 guns? Or do they give each player their own force? Could you do that instead? And then make forces neutral against eachother, allies, as a replacement for the "force" concept.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

this is a multiplayer mod.
i also uploaded the item stuff as standalone mod if you scroll up a bit
Not really sure what you mean by the rest of it... because it sounds like you are refering to the dota mod, not the rpgmod

5 years ago


edit: found some big issues with multiplayer support.

That's why I'm asking if multiplayer is bugged, does the mod work or is it just broken completely?

Not really sure what you mean by the rest of it... because it sounds like you are refering to the dota mod, not the rpgmod

I read "" and thought the RPG stuff was a part of this DotA mod. I'm not familiar with either so I'm Qonfused.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It was a lot of work to make it work so well that you could use it in freeplay multiplayer, so i'd be happy about any donations.
[RPG-Mod Download Link removed, sorry - please wait for the actual release]

But i still don't know if i will upload this on the mod portal, as the whole thing with the seperate player-forces is so intrusive that it will cause issues with some mods.
(With the dota scenario, everything is fine and it's safe to use)

just 2 posts after that^^

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I'll definitively release a standalone rpg-items mod later, i also found a few bugs that surely also made it's way into the rpgmod i just released here, so i don't recommend using that.
I'll also provide an uninstallation script when i really release the rpg mod, so you can start over new with this gameplay element.
Please understand that updating the rpgmod while i'm still working on the dota scenario would be too time consuming, so please be patient.

New response