Distant Misfires

by DataCpt

Dynamically replaces boring auto-aim bullets with skilfully inaccurate projectiles. Extends the max range of misfires alongside a magazine size increase. Let the biters experience true bullet hell. All configurable.

5 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies

g Differences between this and Ballistics?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I've been quite a long time user of this mod, however I noticed another mod exists: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ballistics that at first glance seems to achieve the same thing as this mod. What differences are there between them?

Also looping back to a suggestion of mine: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/distant-misfires/discussion/67387b4feb8230ad2f42a607 - maybe this can help you with better implementing friendly fire?

2 months ago

Yeah someone brought to my attention that there are a few other mods that implement a similar idea but after looking at them a bit, I'm comfortable with how I went about it. It has meant that I have never ran into issues with matching hitboxes to graphics or angles and I've never had issues with target movement prediction not working properly.

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