Distant Misfires

by DataCpt

Dynamically replaces boring auto-aim bullets with skilfully inaccurate projectiles. Extends the max range of misfires alongside a magazine size increase. Let the biters experience true bullet hell. All configurable.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies

g Differences between these mods?

a month ago

Would you help me figure out what's the difference between Dinstant Misfires and these other mods?

Additionally, how do you think Distant Misfires would play with Factorio After Dark?

a month ago

You're right those first 3 do look similar... I'm not surprised that I am not the first to come up with this idea though, it's been a fun project!

I just did a very (very) quick check of the first and I didn't see any reference to bullet offsets so it's possible that it runs into precision issues up close.
I also didn't notice variance in accuracy or added bullet penetration which creates an effect I'm happy with. It does however have a hitscan setting which my mod is definitely lacking.

I'll try to check all 3 of those mods properly when I have some time and might get back to you on more of the differences but you'll probably learn more just from comparing the behaviours for yourself.

I do really appreciate you bringing them to my attention though, very cool.

Scaling inaccuracy with light is a brilliant idea so if Factorio After Dark isn't compatible now then I will do my best to fix that ASAP.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

There is yet another mod I found that does something similar, but I ended up ignoring it. I've been using yours over the others since it's more recent and because I'm also using Fire Lights. Keep up the good work!

There's some other mods I think you'd like to be aware of. I tried to reach out to you on Discord just now, but you don't seem to be in Factorio's official Discord server.

a month ago

Sorry I missed this. Do feel free to hit me up on discord! I'm in the main Factorio one now.

New response