The Sun is Dead

by Nauviax

Factorio - Space Age, but without the sun. Pitch black planets, new lighting options, a whole new power generation system for space platforms, and changes to Fulgora's nighttime storms.

3 months ago
Logistics Environment Power

b any-planet-start incompatibility

2 months ago

It loops tech when that mod has start planet set to Vulcanus. Also when it has start set to Fulgora - the conduit is available too early, before the blue science.

2 months ago

I've looked into this, and I've come to the conclusion that a Vulcanus start isn't really possible with this mod.

In this mod, solar panels ARE conduits. The whole point is that the sun is gone. That means you really need steam power unlocked to be able to power your base, and a single starting conduit to kickstart sulfuric acid production. APS doesn't allow this, and puts steam engines behind automation science packs. This could be fixed with some tech tree rearrangements, but that's not something I want to do be doing on my side.

Basically, APS Vulcanus start would need to:
- Start the player with a single conduit, (solar panel)
- Move steam engines back to pre-automation science,
- Either start the player with wood for power poles, or move medium power poles from solar panel tech to steam power tech,
- Revert automation packs needing solar panel tech, and remove the research trigger for solar panels (This fixes the tech loop)

Though I wouldn't be surprised if a sunless Vulcanus start is out-of-scope for APS. I'm not really sure who's mod should be handling the compatibility in this sort of situation, I'm almost tempted to write up a third mod to add support between the two but that seems a little extreme.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I'm almost tempted to write up a third mod to add support between the two but that seems a little extreme.

I can attempt that. No promises tho.

2 months ago

Hi, author of APS here. I'm trying to keep the mod pretty clear of custom mod compatibility.
I don't intend on changing the tech tree of any of the planets any time soon which means other mods are more likely to be the ones needing compatibility updates, so I would prefer for it to be done either in the other mod or in a new mod as a bridge, that way nobody has to be dependent on me in the whole update process.

That being said, I'm happy to work with either or both of you on it; I feel like a third mod is probably the best way to go about this since the changes required are basically what I had to do to get APS to work in the first place, mostly technology related stuff. I have a utils file in APS that has a bunch of functions for manipulating technologies, so those changes are quite easy. Let me know if either of you are interested, as my current state is "aware of the issue but don't want to take the lead on it".

2 months ago

I saw that APS added a bunch of mod API stuff, I'll probably have a look at creating a bridge mod tonight then.

2 months ago

That's mostly for adding new planet starts to the mod, but the utils file can come in handy for compatibility as a side bonus. Let me know if you need anything

2 months ago

Got around to it finally, here you go TheK0tYaRa. Let me know if progression isn't possible somehow ofc.

New response