The Sun is Dead

by Nauviax

Factorio - Space Age, but without the sun. Pitch black planets, new lighting options, a whole new power generation system for space platforms, and changes to Fulgora's nighttime storms.

3 months ago
Logistics Environment Power
3 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.1 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
246 users

Play through Factorio Space Age without the sun!

Changes to lighting, (obviously, eternal night and all that,) but also space platform power generation and design, and some tweaks to Fulgora to make eternal night work.


All planets and platforms will be pitch black, requiring lighting to be able to efficiently build.

New lighting options have been added to help with this, bonfires for early game temporary light, and a follower bot with a large lamp instead of a gun.

The base lamp now lights up a larger area, though is otherwise the same. Vehicles now light up the area around them in addition to headlights.

Lastly, we took your night vision equipment. That's just cheating.


Solar panels are gone! In it's place is a new power generation system for space that may change how you design platforms.

Conduits generate large amounts of energy in orbit, but stop functioning when the platform begins moving to a new planet.

Platforms now have to charge in orbits, and either get to the next planet fast - or efficiently - to avoid running out of battery power. Possibly even turning off machines during the trip to save power.

Most early ships will probably have only a couple of conduits, and plenty of accumulators. Also note that uncommon accumulators hold twice as much power. Very cool.
(You can also just rush for nuclear powered ships, if you really want)

Planets further from the sun will generate less conduit power in orbit. This only becomes an issue at Aquilo and beyond, to match the base game's solar drop-off.

Vulcanus and Aquilo required solar to kickstart water and steam production. You can use conduits for this purpose now, but their power output is significantly lower on the surface. Drop one of your ship conduits when landing for the first time.
(Please do not soft lock on Vulcanus because your ship died in orbit along with it's conduits. I would not recommend this.)

Fulgora storms:

So there's an issue with eternal night, Fulgora storms become constant. To combat this, lightning on Fulgora is significantly less frequent.

Early and mid game, you will likely want to set up some backup steam power to supplement power generation. Nothing major, but a few will help.

Late game, foundations let you spam plenty of collectors, and you'll be back to having infinite power again.

(Also to keep lightning dangerous now that it's infrequent, bolts do 290 damage. Without a shield or health upgrades, this is a one shot for players.)


Can be added to existing saves, but any solar panels will become conduits. If anything, this is probably a good (but cheaty) thing.

Should be compatible with most mods, as long as they don't touch solar. May work even then. /shrug.

Modded PLANETS are unlikely to play nicely with this mod. It'll load fine, but they might not get tweaked by this mod.

Modded lamps and vehicle lights may not turn on at all. If you want one to be supported by this mod, just open a discussion tab and ask.

And please post about other issues too, I'm normally quick to respond here.

Known Issues:

Currently, if a platform is paused and arrives at a planet due to gravity, conduits do not reactivate. Fix this by toggling automatic mode, even if you don't go anywhere.
(I could technically fix this by checking the location on each tick rather than on platform state changed, but am worried about performance.)

Thanks and Credit:

Hurricane046, for making and releasing amazing Factorio style sprites for free under the CC BY license. I've used this for the Conduits, and it looks amazing.
Link to his site is here.

And also to the general Factorio modding community on Discord, for helping with my many questions about solar panel prototypes.