Creates a feature-rich train logistics network through cybernetic combinators. With just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase.
Simple question - can a station both request items (say, fuel) and also serve as a refuelling station? I know I can't do this with just one machine, but what if I slap two together?
Yes. You can request most fluids (6 pump * 2 sides) = 10 fluids with any direction. With materials you can load-unload more types but need some infrastructure. Examples contains in Cybersyn official blueprints. Combine it in any combinations.
That's not what I was asking, though. I'm aware that a station can both provide and request. I'm asking if it can request AND serve as a refuelling station. Those mutually exclusive on the same Cybernetic Combinator and I've found no way to make it work with multiple combinators.
I'm asking if it can request AND serve as a refuelling station.
Sorry. Not understood right.
I easy build refuel infrastructure on some popular station amd silently refuel all trains that come on this station. It easy way to down requests to real fuel station.