Project Cybersyn - Logistics Train Dispatcher

Creates a feature-rich train logistics network through cybernetic combinators. With just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase.

24 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network

g Separate fluid threshold and item threshold

6 months ago

I would appreciate if the fluid request threshold and item request threshold signals were separated. I often use mixed (fluid and item) stations, which goes funky when the request thresholds get weird. Or have a checkbox to "only transmit full trains" where trains will only be sent when all wagons can be filled to 100% and emptied entirely upon arrival.

5 months ago

You want to use the "station control" combinator, which is just a constant combinator wired to a cybersyn combinator which itself is set to station control. Set the fluid request threshold to whatever you want it to be in the constant combinator. It looks like this:

The Station Control function of the combinator allows you to set per-item (and fluid) request thresholds, and mixed item stations like yours and mine up there is where it shines.

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