Project Cybersyn - Logistics Train Dispatcher

Creates a feature-rich train logistics network through cybernetic combinators. With just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase.

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network

b Pyanodon - Requires Py science pack 3

2 years ago

In order to research this in Pyanodon's it requires you to go 6 science packs deep. This functionally makes it useless as to get to that level of science I will need another solution by then.

It also seems to require complex circuit boards which requires py science 2.

So to research it it takes automation, py science 1 and logistics but has a pre-req of py science 3 and requires components from py science 2.

2 years ago

also it needs 180000, 120000 and 60000 science packs to research

2 years ago

hmm, I never programmed in Pyanodon's compat, I think Pyanodon's is automatically changing the costs but rather poorly. The intention is to have the mod be only slightly more expensive than automated rail research. I will download Pyanodon's, figure out what's going on and hopefully change the costs to be more in line with my intentions.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I have fixed this issue in version 1.1.4. Unfortunately this required changing the recipe of the cybernetic combinators globally, but that should ensure better compat with all recipe overhaul mods going forward. In py, 3 tiers of science packs are still required, I want to lower that to 2 tiers, but py has a custom tech cost postprocessor that I will have to figure out how to override for cybersyn, which might take a while.

2 years ago

Worth noting that PyPostProcessing is getting majorly overhauled so that it doesn't interfere with non-py-technologies much/at all. There's currently a beta version of it available on the Py discord. Hopefully this should make Py compatibility much easier :)

2 years ago

I'll wait for that to release then. Thanks for the insider info.

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