Cheese's Concentrated Solar

Adds concentrated solar energy based around heliostat mirrors, which can point at solar power towers to generate heat for heliothermal energy production, or solar lens towers to generate giant lasers.

23 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Power

g [Fixed 0.4.1] Crash on dawn

2 months ago

3.0476451917671e-08 seems to be too small of an amount to push in :)

Error while running event ch-concentrated-solar::on_nth_tick(12)
Fluid amount has to be positive.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert_fluid'
ch-concentrated-solar/control/nthtick.lua:90: in function <ch-concentrated-solar/control/nthtick.lua:57>

2 months ago

Should be fixed in 0.4.1. Although if you could tell me that would be great - don't have access to my pc currently so I edited the code blind :)

2 months ago

Yeah, that fixes it. You did the exact same thing I did to temporarily fix it on my end.

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