Cheese's Concentrated Solar

Adds concentrated solar energy based around heliostat mirrors, which can point at solar power towers to generate heat for heliothermal energy production, or solar lens towers to generate giant lasers.

5 months ago
Combat Power


Version: 0.3.3
Date: 2023.11.28
    - Major boost to laser tower range.
    - Removed dependancy on nuclear power - research now also contains all required heat related equipment.
    - Respect surface.solar_power_multiplier, both when calculating mirror contribution to a tower, and in the maximum mirrors readout in GUI (and when placing a new tower).
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 2023.04.08
    - Fixed GUI crash with SE map.
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 2023.04.03
    - More resilliant global tables, with migration.
    - Fixed crash a surface was deleted that contained towers and mirrors.
    - Updated GUI to clarify heat rather then electric power.
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2023.04.02
  Major Features:
    - Custom GUI for interacting with towers.
    - Beam graphics can now be disabled. Must be done server-wide, as beams are rendered as game entities.
    - Tower energy production can now be customized.
    - Removed old debug settings. 
    - K2 power multiplier instead of hard set 110MW.
    - 1000 downloads (thanks!)
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2023.01.29
  Major Features:
    - K2+SE Compatibility.
    - K2 towers produce 110MW of heat.
    - Research requires K2 advanced solar panels, or SE space science.
    - SE Towers can be placed in space.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2023.01.29
  Minor Features:
    - Added bounds indicator when tower in cursor.
    - Tweaked bounds colour.
    - Mirrors and towers use AAI ingredients when present.
    - Tweaked wording of mirrors to be in reference to solar intensity increase instead of power.
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2023.01.16
  Major Features:
    - Added bounds indicator for placing towers and mirrors.
  Minor Features:
    - Reworked how highlight boxes are managed.
    - Increased tower range to 35 to accomodate for previous slightly incorrect calulcation.
    - Fixed incosistencies in tower range.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2023.01.14
    - Fixed nth tick next issue.
    - Increased stack size of mirrors to 50.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2023.01.3
    - Initial version.