Cheese's Concentrated Solar

Adds concentrated solar energy based around heliostat mirrors, which can point at solar power towers to generate heat for heliothermal energy production, or solar lens towers to generate giant lasers.

5 months ago
Combat Power

i better power to space ratio

1 year, 2 months ago

I have taken some time to use this mod but its size to its power output is a little bit low because I have a 2X3 nuclear reactor setup and it produces 800MW of power and only takes 4/5th the space. So it would be nice to have a little option in the mod option menu to set the output power the first time we start a new map.

1 year, 2 months ago

And I also have an idea to make this mod even better would be to make underground heat pipes that have less heat loss beside the normal heat pipes but you cant connect something at it until you get to the top again. So it would be possible to almost reach a solar intensity of 600 and have enough space to place heat exchanger and turbines. Another improvement would be to set the research above the uranium enrichment and nuclear reactor maybe that you only need green and red flasks. Because then it would be a nice starting energy source after you made your first energy with wood and coal.

1 year, 2 months ago

Forgett what I said about to revamp the research tree but all other things would be cool to see.

1 year, 2 months ago


1 year, 2 months ago

In terms of power output, I'm certainly happy to add that as a mod option, will add that to my list of things when I finally get some free time (soon tm).

I'm quite happy with the power output as it stands at the default though, it was always intended as an improvement to solar rather then a nuclear power competitor, and if it were to take up the exact space as nuclear while still being about to work 24/7, as well as how energy dense steam storage can be, I think it would quickly become very unbalanced (see the other existing concentrated solar mod).

1 year, 2 months ago

For underground heat pipes, afaik about modding that isn't really possible, and isn't really within the scope of this mod, although I will certainly have a look and release it as its own thing if it is.

The reason solar intensity was set at 600 however was to limit the range on heat pipes, to incentivise close heat exchangers pumping steam to turbines further away, as a bit of a spacing puzzle.

1 year, 1 month ago

Added power option for 0.3

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