Planet Castra

by Bartz24

Adds a new militaristic planet to the game. Claim the defended post-apocalyptic planet and use its resources to build a new base. The enemy awakens and starts improving their technologies once they sense your presence.

2 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Combat Enemies Environment Manufacturing

b Error upon loading save

23 days ago

I cannot currently load my save as I get this error message
"unknown recipe-category name: castra-electronics"

Even when disabling the mod, I get this error message

"Unknown recipe-category name: castra-basic-crafting"

23 days ago

I think there's another mod causing issues. Would you be able to provide a list of mods and/or try disabling some other mods to see if it's the cause?

17 days ago

I think some other mod has been updated and that fixed it. Sorry about the late reply.

Corrundum, Mulana, Secretas&Frozeta, Tenebris Prime, AAI Signal Transmission, Agri No Spoil, Alien Biomes, Alien Biomes Graphics, Alternative Beacons, Armoured Biters, Auto Deconstruct, Beacon Interface, Better StarMap Background, Big accumulator, Big Solar panel, cargo pad bonus research, castra, cerys, cleaned concrete, common prototypes graphics, concreep redux, configurable weapon slots, cosmic social distancing, even distribution, factorio library, far reach, flare stack, flaoting damage indicators, gun equipment, hurricane graphics, inventory repair, mech armor start, milestones, mining patch planner, module inserter extended, moshine, moshine (planet only), orbitalt transfer, organized solar system, P.U.M.P., planet arrakis, planetslib, pump anywhere, quality condenser, redrawn space connections, rpg system, SE space trains, spage age galore, stats gui, unlock rocket parts, vanilla galore continued, visible planets in sapce, vortiks big bertha artillery sounds, wood gasification updated, zoom based exoskeleton speed

Is all the mods I use, which is why I have no idea which one interfers. Takes a bit of time to check them one by one :D

17 days ago

Ah yeah it'd be difficult to figure out the cause here. Well, good to hear it's been resolved somewhere at least

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