Planet Castra

by Bartz24

Adds a new militaristic planet to the game. Claim the defended post-apocalyptic planet and use its resources to build a new base. The enemy awakens and starts improving their technologies once they sense your presence.

a day ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Combat Enemies Environment Manufacturing

g 0.4.1 Crash

28 days ago

Error while running event castra:on_entity_spawned {ID 146}
castra/control.lua:56 attempt to index field 'dataCollectorsRoboportStatus'(a nill value)
stack traceback:
castra/control:56: in function 'on_data_collector_item_spawned"
castra/control:184: in function<castra/control.lua:179>

28 days ago

This happen when a entiy try to spawn, help please.

28 days ago

Fixed in 0.4.3

New response