The research system has been a bit broken over the past few versions. it looks like it's currently getting stuck on infinite techs again, for example. so that could be why it seems to not be doing much.
over time though, you should be seeing the Data Collectors themselves upgrade quality (once they researched quality) and upgrade their defenses with quality turrets, etc.
So part of this reason this mod started was to help make space platforms smaller and/or easier - AKA less UPS intensive since space platforms are one of the laggiest parts at the moment (Wube is making it better though so that's exciting). I'm currently fixing up balancing for early game, but once I feel that's good I'll really focus on end game balancing. I'd still like to give them stuff artillery and spidertrons :)
I know you started this mod by the time you got railguns, so you got a massive time advantage over enemy's designed to be a planet at a tier above Vulcanus, Gleba, Fulgora but below Aquilo. Your concerns are still very much valid, but I'd like to see if the threat can stay on Castra or if it really needs to go to space or other planets. That would be cool though. Ex: I've had the thought of the enemy dropping biter eggs on planets once they research it.