Planet Castra

by Bartz24

Adds a new militaristic planet to the game. Claim the defended post-apocalyptic planet and use its resources to build a new base. The enemy awakens and starts improving their technologies once they sense your presence.

a day ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Combat Enemies Environment Manufacturing

g Forge

a month ago

Forge in only craftable by forge. How do I escape this loop? It is probably a bug and it must me craftable by machines the same way as foundries or Em plants.

a month ago

Fixed in 0.1.5. It should also be craftable by an assembly or by hand.

a month ago

Loaded the save in 0.1.5
Now it crashes after 10 seconds. Which is sad, because previously I could not make forge and not I cannot play at all.

The mod Castra (0.1.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event castra::on_tick (ID 0)
castra/control.lua:425: attempt to index global 'base_upgs' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
castra/control.lua:425: in function 'get_available_upgrades'
castra/control.lua:442: in function 'randomly_upgrade_base'
castra/control.lua:478: in function <castra/control.lua:474>

a month ago

Let's try this again...0.1.6 fixes that error. Not sure what kind of typo I did to cause that haha.
I'm about to continue a save with the mod too, so worst case it would have been fixed then.

a month ago

It works now. Thanks

New response