Buildings require foundation

All big buildings must be built on a brick or concrete foundation

4 months ago
Logistics Environment Manufacturing Power

b [contained] Buildings Deleted When Pickup Up Tiles

5 months ago

I laid down a blueprint on top of a broad foundation, then decided to pick back up any tiles that weren't needed. Unfortunately, ALL of the tiles were picked up and any structures that were on top of those tiles disappeared.

Can you please tweak your code so that only unnecessary tiles get picked up?

4 months ago

Hi Keith,

I implemented something to cancel the deconstruction of tiles if they share a collision mask with an entity on top of it. There's a new version available which you can try. Please let me know what you think of it.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. Removing any tiles from under an object deletes it. Perhaps the continued problem is caused by a problem with one of the other mods I'm running.

Here is a list of loaded mods:

aai-containers 0.2.11
aai-loaders 0.1.6
aai-loaders-electric 0.1.1
alert-center 0.0.9
alien-biomes 0.6.8
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 0.6.1
AmmoGroup 1.0.8
arrowlib 0.1.3
assembling-machine-request-chest-paste-multiplier 1.0.2
attach-notes 0.5.1
AutoDeconstruct 0.4.4
Auto-destruct-trees-on-resources 0.2.0
autodrive 1.1.15
auto_manual_mode 0.0.9
automatic-station-painter-continued 1.1.0
Automatic_Train_Painter 1.2.0
automatic-underground-pipe-connectors 1.1.3
auto-research 5.2.1
AutoTrash 5.3.13
ballistics 1.0.1
Barbed-Spikes 1.0.1
barreling-machine 0.1.2
barrels-o-fuel 0.1.2
base 1.1.110
belt-balancer-performance 3.2.0
belt-visualizer 1.3.7
BetterAlertArrows 1.0.0
bigger_slower_trains-M 1.7.4
big_power_poles_patched 1.0.0
Bluegistics 0.1.6
BlueprintTools 1.4.0
BottleneckLite 1.2.8
buildings-require-foundation 0.1.3
bullet-trails 0.6.2
CanalBuilderMAV 2.0.3
ch-concentrated-solar 0.3.3
CheapLDStructure 0.1.0
chunk-sized-roboports 4.1.1
circuitissimo 0.1.4
circuit-poles 1.0.2
CleanFloor 1.1.0
ConcreteWall 1.0.4
console-message-double-beep 1.0.0
CopyAssemblerPipeDirection 0.1.4
CopyPasteModules 0.1.1
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.4.2
DeadlockBlackRubberBelts 1.0.5
deadlock_stacked_recipes 1.5.5
DeadlockStackingForDeepCoreMining 1.1.0
DeadlockStackingForKrastorio2 1.1.1
DedLib 0.0.2
DestructiveBlueprints 0.1.1
DiscoScience 1.1.4
DisplayPlates 1.5.1
earlier-requester-chests 1.0.0
EpicWeaponSounds 0.0.2
equal-length-underground-belts 0.1.1
even-distribution 1.0.10
Everbuild 1.0.1
extended-descriptions 1.3.3
extra-underground-belt-pair 0.1.2
factorio-crash-site 1.0.2
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 1.4.3
FactorySearch 1.11.1
FasterStart 1.1.3
Fill4Me-fixed 0.10.1
filter_assistant 1.0.0
fireproof-worker-bots 1.0.0
flib 0.14.2
Fluid-level-indicator 0.8.6
FluidMustFlow 1.3.5
FluidPatchOrganizer 1.2.2
FNEI 0.4.2
force-inventory-insert 0.0.1
Foundations 2.9.2
fuel-category-compatibility 0.1.2
GDIW 1.1.0
Generic_Logistic_Chest 0.5.7
ghost-counter 1.2.1
GhostOnWater 0.12.2
gvv 0.5.1
HandCraftingPriorityPlus 1.1.1
helmod 1.0.14
HelmodAddonRequester 0.0.4
heroic_library 0.0.1
Honk 5.0.1
IdleTrainStop 0.7.0
inbuilt_lighting 20.1.13
infinite_worker_robot_capacity_research 1.1.1
informatron 0.3.4
inventory-repair 19.1.1
jet-fuel 0.0.0
K2-equipment-compatibility 0.1.1
Krastorio2 1.3.24
Krastorio2Assets 1.2.3
krastorio2_extended_endgame 1.0.4
Kux-CoreLib 2.11.0
Kux-GhostInHand 2.3.4
Kux-SpeedButtons 2.0.10
large-print-signals 0.1.0
larger_shortcut_icons 1.0.0
laserlines 0.3.1
LessUnplugged_bud 1.0.3
LogisticRequestManager 1.1.34
LogisticRequestMerger 1.1.1
logistics_requests_sorted 1.2.0
logtech-beacon-edit 1.1.3
Long_Range_Delivery_Drones 1.0.6
manual-inventory-sort 2.2.5
map-tag-core 0.1.3
map-tag-gps 0.4.1
MapView_NoBlackLines 1.1.501
Mineable-Cliffs 1.0.0
minime 1.1.41
mining-patch-planner 1.6.11
ModuleInserterEx 6.1.3
Module-Rebalance 0.1.1
more_circuit_signals_UPDATED 1.2.1
MouseOverConstruction 1.2.1
MultipleUnitTrainControl 0.4.21
m_WhereIsMyBody 2.7.3
nco-LongStorageTanks 0.2.7
NindyCore 1.0.2
Oil_Based_Paint 1.0.6
PickerDollies 1.2.6
ping-dont-blink 0.1.0
pollution-scaling 1.0.5
power-grid-comb 1.1.0
Prettier-Stacked-Ores-1_1 1.0.2
ProgressiveRunningRevived 1.0.3
QuickSwap 0.0.1
railloader-MXO 1.1.9
rangeindicators_ht 0.0.9
redo 0.2.13
RemoteConfiguration 1.2.6
Robot256Lib 1.1.5
robotarmy 0.4.17
robotworld-continued 1.1.9
Rocket-Silo-Construction 1.3.7
rusty-locale 1.0.16
ShoreWalls 1.0.4
Shortcuts-ick 1.1.28
show-max-underground-distance 0.0.9
Skip_Queuing_Prerequisites 1.2.1
small-iron-pole 0.1.0
SmallRobots 1.1.7
SmarterBotRechargeUpdated 1.1.0
Smart_Inserters 1.2.15
Smooth_Fluids 1.3.0
sonaxaton-resource-map-markers 0.3.5
space-exploration-graphics 0.6.18
Squeak Through 1.8.2
StableFoundations 1.1.4
Stacked_Mining 1.2.5
staggering_force 1.1.2
stdlib 1.4.8
SunBarSwap 0.0.8
Switch_Button-1_0 0.1.22
Switch_Button_Retexture 0.1.1
tackleautorun 1.2.0
TacticalConstruction 1.1.0
Taillights 0.1.1
Tapeline 2.0.10
TemporaryLogisticRequest 1.2.0
textplates 0.6.10
ThickerLines 0.0.5
TintedGhosts 1.1.0
tinted-spaceship-Revived 1.0.2
tiny-assemblers 1.0.7
Train_Control_Signals 1.0.6
TrainGroups 1.4.3
UI_Hotkeys 1.0.1
underground-pipe-pack 1.1.3
underground-pipe-pack-more-simplified 0.1.1
Upgraded-Robots 0.1.1
ups-fps 0.3.2
vehicle-corpses 0.0.10
VehicleSnap 1.18.5
vtk-deep-core-mining 2.11.2
WaterPumpjack 1.0.3
WideChests 5.4.3
WideChestsLogistic 2.0.1
WireShortcuts 1.1.13
Workbench 1.0.1
yafla 0.1.2
zoom-mod 1.7.2

3 months ago

Can you describe the exact steps you took to pick up the tiles?

3 months ago

Can you describe the exact steps you took to pick up the tiles?

I held the bricks/concrete/etc. in my hand and right-clicked, as usual.

New response