Biter Cleanup

Continuously removes biter creep decals that aren't near a biter nest (or the mound of corpses left behind after destroying one). Performance impact should be pretty low but can be reduced further by adjusting settings if necessary.

3 months ago
Enemies Environment

g Atomic Black scorch Cleanup

15 days ago

Сan you create a mod that removes black scorch from atomic bomb explosion?

15 days ago

Sure, I'll take a stab at it. Shouldn't take too long but no guarantees, I'll let you know when it's done.

15 days ago

Here you go.

I make no guarantees about its performance - it shouldn't be too egregious but I definitely didn't put much effort into optimising this so it could lag, especially if you have a lot of surfaces in your save.

I'm planning a new version of all my environment mods at some point in the future that should dramatically improve performance and aesthetics, but there's no estimate on when that'll be a thing. Enjoy this in the meantime though, and feel free to report anything game-breaking, I don't mind making fixes in the interim.

14 days ago

Excellent, thank you very much for your work!

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