Slowly removes nuclear scorch marks from the map by changing them to match a random (non-scorch) neighbouring tile. This means that over time the surrounding tiles will reclaim the scorched patch, giving it a natural-ish appearance (not the original look from before the nuke went off though, unfortunately).
How it works
Every 10 ticks (configurable), an operation is performed. What that operation is depends on where the mod is in its cycle.
- The first operation is to choose a chunk somewhere on one of the game's surfaces, and divide it into sub-chunks.
- Next, on each operation a sub-chunk is checked for nuclear scorch tiles. Any that are found are added to a list.
- Lastly, each operation picks one random scorch tile, and checks its orthogonal neighbours. One of those neighbours is then chosen at random, provided it isn't also a scorch tile, and its type is copied to the original tile. This repeats until every scorch tile in the list has been checked, and then on the next operation the mod returns to the first.
(This does mean that it'll take multiple passes for any given scorch mark to completely disappear; this is intentional.)
Known issues
- The mod does not check which tiles it's copying beyond making sure it's not scorched ground, so it can copy things like landfill and concrete (the latter of which is technically a farming method, though not a very efficient one as it costs atomic bombs to produce not a lot of concrete)
- The random chunk selection method is exceptionally slow when there are many surfaces
Fixes for these are planned but may not happen soon.