Biter Cleanup

Continuously removes biter creep decals that aren't near a biter nest (or the mound of corpses left behind after destroying one). Performance impact should be pretty low but can be reduced further by adjusting settings if necessary.

2 months ago
Enemies Environment
3 months ago
Latest Version:
2.2.1 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
1.87K users


A simple mod that deletes the nasty-ass decal textures biters leave behind once the nests have been cleared out. It isn't fancy, it isn't pretty, it just deletes them with no fading or anything - though it does do it in a random order so it at least emulates a natural process. But with any luck you'll be away from the scene of the crime when it happens so it won't matter either way.

Any biter creep decal on Nauvis that isn't near a spawner, worm, or corpse thereof will be deleted.

How it works

Every 10 ticks (configurable), an operation is performed. What that operation is depends on where the mod is in its cycle.

  • The first operation is to choose a chunk somewhere on Nauvis, and divide it into 4 sub-chunks (configurable).
  • Next, on each operation a sub-chunk is checked for biter decals. Any that are found are added to a list.
  • Lastly, each operation chooses a single biter decal in the list at random, checks it for proximity to a nest, and removes it if it is more than 16 tiles away (configurable), along with other decals within 8 tiles of it (configurable) if those decals may occur in biter creep but may also occur elsewhere. The decal is then removed from the list so that a different one is chosen next operation. This continues until every decal in the chunk has been checked, removed if necessary, and struck from the list.

At this point the cycle begins anew and a fresh chunk is chosen.


It should check any entities that use the types "unit-spawner" or "turret" (which is how worms are classified) and which are tagged with "placeable-enemy" when looking for nests around decals. This means it shouldn't delete creep decals near modded spawners like those from Armoured Biters, and modded worms too (though I don't know of any examples). A cursory test seems to agree with that assessment but it hasn't been rigorously tested.