
by therax

Route your belts freely underground.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b "Item on ground" deconstruc planner also deconstructs underground belts from above ground.

4 years ago - Here are some items I want to quickly pick up with my handy "item on ground only" deconstruct planner. - For some reason it gets a bit overzealous.

4 years ago

Also happens when using the tree/rock deconstructer

4 years ago

I've figured out the fix for the tree/rock deconstruction planner problem, but I can't reproduce the "item on ground" problem. What other mods are you running?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

This is the save I was using in the above video. I made this mistake again a few days ago triggering underground belt destruction. However I did not explicitly test it just now. I'll have time to in a few hours and will delete this post if I cannot reproduce it.

Thus, assume that it can be reproduced with this save despite the above disclaimer.

This is running the project corona modpack

4 years ago

Installed the project corona modpack but still can't reproduce on a new map. I can't access Mega to download your save.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

it appears the belts need to deconstructed alongside the underground belt connector

Try this mirror. deconstruct the belt connector directly to the player's left and the underground belt the player is standing on.

As a bonus separate bug, the mismatched underground connector showcases what I reported in the other thread and will crash you if you attempt to mine it by hand or mark it for deconstruction.

4 years ago

Vid of me reproducing both of the bugs mentioned with the save I just uploaded.

4 years ago

Re: the unminable connector

This looks like a failed upgrade, probably related to Construction Drones. The aboveground half is a yellow belt, but the underground half is a gray (Bob's basic) belt. I can add something to the next version to remove broken half-and-half connectors like this one.

Re: deconstruction picking up unintended underground belts

I'm still not able to get a deconstruction planner configured with item-on-ground to do anything unexpected, even with your gfycat.

There must be something you're doing that I'm not doing that isn't revealed by the video. How are you creating the deconstruction planner? Keyboard shortcut? Clicking the shortcut bar? Blueprint library? How are you configuring it?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Now this is really weird.

So, the blueprint in question had been stored in toolbar 4. The blank space in this screenshot. I had just now removed it from my toolbar in to my inventory and now its gone for good on my local version of the save. Creating a new deconstruction planner as you had leads to the behavior you recorded in your video.

My assumption here is that it is some kind of data corruption issue and it was causing the same behavior that you fixed with the tree issue. At least if this blueprint was corrupted to also eat trees I would not know, as this save lacks any tree spawns.

If you still want to mess around with it, the deconstruction blueprint located in toolbar 4 in this slot (now empty in my screenshot because it vanished from all my autosaves, retroactively) should reproduce the issue if I am correct.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Okay, so the deconstruction planner in question was in your blueprint library, and your save games had references to that planner, so when you removed the deconstruction planner from your library the references in all your saved games are removed, because the thing they were pointing to no longer exists. Since I don't have your blueprint library, I have the same thing in my copy of your save, a blank space. It might have disappeared from your library in the 0.18.x version where the whole blueprint library was overhauled.

I'm really curious how that planner in your library was configured, but at this point I don't see a way to find out anymore. :) I'm going to take another look at upgrade behavior with Construction Drones and see if I can figure out what happened with that halfway upgraded connector.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Item on ground BPs in the library will deconstruct the underground belts.

Item on ground BPs in the inventory will not, as intended.

4 years ago

I wish I had better news for you. This appears to be a problem I can't resolve (bug, design oversight, or missing feature) in the Factorio core with the new blueprint library:

4 years ago

The problem with tree/rock deconstruction planners should be fixed in v1.0.0. The problem with planners used directly from the blueprint library sadly remains.

4 years ago

At least I know how to avoid it myself :D

You could include a disclaimer somewhere like when belts get marked for deconstruction mentioning the issue and that it can't currently be fixed.

4 years ago

the same issue happened for the pipelayer mod too.

4 years ago

In the above length thread they said that they added a way to read the planner values regardless, does that fix it?

4 years ago

No, the only thing added was a way to read the contents of blueprints. Deconstruction and upgrade planners stored in the library still cannot be accessed.

3 years ago

The problem with tree/rock deconstruction planners should be fixed in v1.0.0. The problem with planners used directly from the blueprint library sadly remains.

Did this end up getting fixed in v1.0.0? I am having the problem for the tree/rock deconstruction planner in v2.0.2

3 years ago

Tree/sock deconstruction planners work correctly in v2.0.2. Are you sure your tree/rock deconstruction planner is present in your character's inventory?

3 years ago

okay, so if the planner is by itself in the inventory it works fine, but if it is in a bp book in your inventory then it doesn't work

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