
by therax

Route your belts freely underground.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Crash on start

4 years ago

Version 0.4.4

134.393 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "beltlayer-bpproxy-transport-belt" (transport-belt): Key "item" not found in property tree at ROOT.transport-belt.beltlayer-bpproxy-transport-belt.placeable_by[0]
Modifications: Beltlayer

Mods to be disabled:
• beltlayer

4 years ago

What other mods are you running? Sounds like something that removes the basic transport belt?

4 years ago

I don't know, I've just started all installed mods simultaneously.

4 years ago

This should be fixed now. Can you try it again?

4 years ago

New one:

29.782 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:91: emissions used, use emissions_per_minute (proposed value 1e-05):
30.040 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:85: emissions_per_second_per_watt used, use emissions_per_minute: ROOT.pump.factory-circuit-input.energy_source
30.075 Error ModManager.cpp:1323: Error in assignID, recipe with name 'anno_wooden_underground_belt-beltlayer-connector' does not exist.

Source: grow_1 (technology).
30.289 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
30.289 Created atlas bitmap 2048x448 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
30.296 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
30.305 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
30.339 Sprites loaded
30.352 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [0] of size 2048x448
30.352 Custom mipmaps uploaded.
30.356 Custom inputs active: 20
30.359 Factorio initialised
30.364 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error in assignID, recipe with name 'anno_wooden_underground_belt-beltlayer-connector' does not exist.

Source: grow_1 (technology).

Mods to be disabled:
• Annotorio
• beltlayer

4 years ago

I’ll have a look. Definitely a compatibility problem with Annotorio.

New response