
by therax

Route your belts freely underground.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Incompatible with Automatic Belt Planner

Found here.

The item, the Automatic Belt Planner in-game doesn't show up in the planning world.
The tool works by placing it, and then placing the tool given back at you at the endpoint. It calculates paths and generates belt ghosts. Hope this helps, and thanks for maintaining this mod.

5 years ago

Not possible at the moment since Automatic Belt Planner does not raise any events when it creates the ghosts. Could you make a request to the other mod author to change this? Then I can look into integration.

What about including the planning tool in the belt world view? Aren't the belt world view belts just regular entities?

5 years ago

They are. Using the planning tool in the belt view would place ghosts there, but robots would not be able to build them without tighter integration. I'll have to think if I can find a workaround.

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