Ballistic Missile

A new missile silo for tactical strikes against the biters. The missile payload bay can be filled with ammo and capsules of your choice, so you can decide if you want a single nuclear warhead, a cluster napalm shell or something completely different.

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Circuit network

b Missile designator as Unknown Key entity

5 days ago
(updated 5 days ago)

The missile designator doesn't exist ingame and can't be used, its missing its entity key apparently. Same for the targeting remote.

5 days ago

Nevermind , i didnt know they changed targetting in space age 2.

5 days ago

The designator was a failed attempt to automate missiles. I'll have to clean up those files some time, completely forgot that they were still there.
Sorry for the misleading.

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