Ballistic Missile

A new missile silo for tactical strikes against the biters. The missile payload bay can be filled with ammo and capsules of your choice, so you can decide if you want a single nuclear warhead, a cluster napalm shell or something completely different.

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Circuit network

b Issue with clustering True Nukes payloads

1 year, 2 months ago

In an ambition to proliferate nuclear armaments to pursue expansionism and conquer the local natives on Nauvis, I ran into an aggravating problem with ballistic missiles armed with multiple True Nukes payloads.

True Nukes vaporises anything within the range of a nuclear fireball, rendering any clustered nuclear warheads with a yield over 20t of TNT (500t and above) useless, as the fireball is too big and deletes other payloads that may have been detached from the ballistic missile.

Another problem is that ballistic missiles flying over True Nuke detonations within the range of the nuclear fireball result in them entirely evaporating from space itself and never reaching their intended destination (the locals).

More problematically, the fireball system that is used in True Nukes renders any entity within range of the fireball that is not of an entity type of "ghost" or "resource" utterly and catastrophically destroyed (v.destroy{raise_destroy=true}).

I am not sure if there's a solution to this nuanced problem but if you could get in contact with the True Nukes developer to add an option for not vaporising artillery shells or other related projectiles, that would be greatly aid in my conquest to flatten every alie- ahem local infrastructure.

1 year, 2 months ago

In an ambition to proliferate nuclear armaments to pursue expansionism and conquer the local natives on Nauvis, I ran into an aggravating problem with ballistic missiles armed with multiple True Nukes payloads.

True Nukes vaporises anything within the range of a nuclear fireball, rendering any clustered nuclear warheads with a yield over 20t of TNT (500t and above) useless, as the fireball is too big and deletes other payloads that may have been detached from the ballistic missile.

Another problem is that ballistic missiles flying over True Nuke detonations within the range of the nuclear fireball result in them entirely evaporating from space itself and never reaching their intended destination (the locals).

More problematically, the fireball system that is used in True Nukes renders any entity within range of the fireball that is not of an entity type of "ghost" or "resource" utterly and catastrophically destroyed (v.destroy{raise_destroy=true}).

I am not sure if there's a solution to this nuanced problem but if you could get in contact with the True Nukes developer to add an option for not vaporising artillery shells or other related projectiles, that would be greatly aid in my conquest to flatten every alie- local infrastructure.

1 year, 2 months ago

I'm truly sorry that your noble task of making Nauvis a better place came to a halt - or is at least delayed.
I'll add the compatibility with true nukes to my ToDo list. Unfortunately I'm still very busy with this "real life" of mine (you know, "work" and other inconvenient stuff...) so this could take some time.
I appreciate your patience with this matter.

1 year, 2 months ago

That's okay! Take as long as you need, my ambition and goal to reinstate my claims on the world isn't going to go anywhere (unless it is an ICBM).

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