
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

b [Fixed] Wont load together with Gizmo's Car Keys (improved)

1 year, 9 months ago

If I have both mods installed and start a new map (or load an existing one) I get the following error:

185.205 Error AppManagerStates.cpp:1573: The mod Autodrive (1.1.4) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event autodrive::on_configuration_changed
autodrive/libs/assertions.lua:90: Wrong argument! table is not a valid color!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
autodrive/libs/assertions.lua:90: in function 'arg_err'
autodrive/scripts/player_functions.lua:115: in function 'get_user_settings'
autodrive/scripts/player_functions.lua:475: in function 'init_player'
autodrive/scripts/event_handlers.lua:892: in function 'on_configuration_changed'
autodrive/control.lua:241: in function <autodrive/control.lua:239>

Removing GCKI resolves the error.

1 year, 9 months ago

Thanks for the report! I knew there was a reason why I wanted to release Autodrive and GCKI together: I've changed the setting type for "Render color" in both mods.

Updating Autodrive to version 1.1.5 should get rid of the crash. Also, I've released a new version of GCKI where I bumped the dependency on Autodrive to the new version, thus making sure that both mods will use the same setting type.

1 year, 9 months ago

The new versions load fine no more crashes, but..

Updating Autodrive to 1.1.5 resets all my mod settings to default. (This also happened with installing GKCI before, but I chalked it up to the conflict.) At 240 mods it's a bit daunting to note down an re-apply everything manually.

1 year, 9 months ago

I'm sorry, but I don't think there's anything I can do about this. As far as I can tell, this is a bug in the game, which I've already reported here.

I've about 500 mods in my folder, most of them pulled in via syncing with saved games I've got with bug reports. I've grepped through all of these, but Armoured Biters is the only mod besides GCKI and Autodrive which has settings of type "color-setting", so apparently it's not widely used yet (it has been introduced just recently, in Factorio 1.1.77, published on March 3). Moreover, all color-settings in that mod have setting_type "startup" instead of "runtime-per-user", which doesn't trigger the error. This would explain why this bug has gone under the radar so far. Let's hope that the devs can fix it soon! :-)

1 year, 9 months ago

They've got it fixed for Factorio 1.1.83 …

New response